SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

Argh, Menat-Ryu probably is a hard 6-4 in Ryu’s favor in this version, so for every Akuma matchup that I savor I get trampled by 3 Ryus if they know what they are facing. At this rate I’ll test Birdie since he supposedly beats both.

Birdie seems like one of the most solid meta picks ATM. Birdie and a backup.

Principle matchups to cover imo are:

Fireballer… guile menat sagat ryu
Big normals… Urien birdie Chun menat etc
Jump in mixup… necalli akuma Mika Alex Cammy
Neutral bypass… dictator kolin v trigger ed v trigger
Anti fireballer… Cammy rog Karin

You can lose damn near at the character select screen if you have a matchup that is bad against any of these types, so having something that beats them or goes even, is a good look.

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Don’t be fooled by their “neutral” and “footsies” soundbytes. It’s still the same typical nrs game

Slow ass unresponsive walk speed

Shit anti airs

Every character is basically the same

The range for every character’s party starter in neutral is the same

Everyone is bipson

Every normal is psycho axe

Boon games suck and always will suck


You were doing so well, until you compared that shit with our lord and master.

I’m pretty sure that SFV has been accused of all the above, so If MK11 gets the same flak it’ll be fine.

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Dude please! It didn’t go from Ryus worst match to advantage because of Donkey kick!

You’re probably getting ham dashed!


You can see Cyrax’ net and Reptile’s forceball in this footage. Also Rain’s bubble.

This is a good sign.

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Well ham dash is annoying for sure online but the real deal breaker for me is the buffed fireball coupled with Menat’s nerfed st.HP. If Ryu mixes the three different speeds it’s hard to react consistently at the range outside st.HP and the faster one can easily stuff st. HP on startup. Menat no longer dominates the poke range since Ryu can keep throwing balls to contest and thanks to the dash he can easily be over her after a knockdown even with back rise.

Basically, the following, especially the last round:

If Ryu throws a bad fireball, he might be eating 300-400 and only if Menat has low life. Menat throws a bad st.HP at every moment of the game and the round might be over.

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Beyond sales, What do even people clinging in a Darkstalker brand anyway?

Morrigan? Felicia? Hsien Ko? Demitri? Jedah? or Gameplay?

Well, a good sign they won’t be in the game then. Until the MKX DLC(triborg) nobody who had a modifier in single player mode like those ever made it into the base game. Not to say it won’t happen, but there is a history with stuff like that.

Also SUPER RUMOUR: Ed Boon has gone on record saying one character has a “new face that might surprise you” and it is alleged that Shang Tsung will basically have Cary Tagawa’s face (Movie Shang tsung) and that would be sick as fuckkkkkk


Oki ex tatsu is a game changer for sure as well.

That would be extremely disappointing. Reptile should be on par with Sub-Zero and Scorpion by now.

I also really hope they pay homage to Cary Tagawa. He’s a legend. <3

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He’s the reason I started watching Man in the High Castle(great show btw). Although its weird seeing him as a good guy.

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You can absorb and reflect.

Very rarely a match will change two match up points. Almost unheard of.

Does Alex have an inv dp? That move where he flys up?

No , none of his EX moves are inv on 1st frame. I think the stun gun head butt avoids throws though.

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Lol I get hit by that non ex move every time I jump at him, can’t beat it with any of my jump ins. So are you saying I can meaty my jump in and I won’t get dpd?

Invincibility to jumps is different from actual invincibility. I’m pretty sure ex knee has “invincible to jumps” frames, same as a normal DP.

It’s a great tool for Alex and a mega buff for him because he gets oki off of it and is one of the few to only characters that gets oki off an invulnerable AA.

Ed gets it to, but his ex psycho can hardly be called a true AA when it hits so far away and is so slow.

Oh shit. Now I always joked in SFV if Honda was in the game his V-skill and Trigger should be about taking time off the clock so he can force timeouts.

Geras in MK11 literally has this mechanic