SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

I’m getting that itch to play GG again reading this thread.

I hate it, and think it’s crap. I’m human too and am allowed to be petty and contradict my own point.

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Well, these two are walking glitches since they can depleting your health in an heartbeat. You can play them lame (JWong Chun is the perfect example), but they have enough firepower to sustain their game plan.

In others news, Makoto is coming, I have that good feeling.


When I first started reading SRK many yrs back, all I saw was SF4 Vs SF3 threads. That was my introduction to the site…and man, those posts were hilarious.

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Oh yeah Chun-Li aka whiff 20 seconds normals to get a bar and then hit your opponent once for 50% of their health bar, with godlike normals on top of parry to negate keepout games and godlike oki.
And Ken is generaly played aggresive.
Heck even Ryu is used as rushdown char in SF3. Well SFV Ryu is based on this evrsion not surprised on that point.
Oh yeah parry OS not to forget.

No not everyone plays online the same.
Everyone in SF and DBSZ play the same, cause the games are DESIGNED THAT WAY!
I’ve meet quiet a lot of player in P4A,BB and GG who play the same chars, but every different.
My Mitsuru was a super lame one, 5A was the button of buttons and her DP was a giant “fuck off” option.
But I played some really aggresive ones.
My Lambda in BB is often called lame, I aim at controlling my opponents movemeant, use a lot of Spikes and Gravity Seed. And tend to throw Fullscreen Cavaliers out, cause for some reason that move knocks everything out of the air it looks at slightly angry.
My CTB Team works with 2 Buttons and can shut down a lot of approches, it can even shut down Gorby with just 2 moves!

Heck even my Cammy in SF, was just st.mk and b.mp till I got a whiffpunish with cr.mk or st.hp in.

Also don’t accuse me of not playing older games. I hate SF3 for a reason.
But love ST. I still play KoF98 from time to time and if I manage to get someone to play Alpha2, I will use the chance.

Yes, I’m a super aggresive player. Thats why my offence is just high/low/throw, that isn’t even risky and comes from knockdowns I get from defensive situation.


Good news, you can have Videl with her long hair who was the best Videl


But you can’t have Jiren without a shirt.

Which is good, because nudity makes people stronger in dragonball.


That was my experience too. I used to just lurk on here reading MvC3 and SF4 threads and there was always plenty of bitching about those games - individually and compared to older games - going on.

Not to undermine SF5’s issues but in my experience people at least slightly hate part of any hobby they are really devoted to. You can’t spend the amount of time you need to with something that takes a big investment of time and energy (like a fighting game) without seeing all the things about it you don’t like. The break point for each player is how much of it works for them vs doesn’t and how big the negatives actually are.


It should be mentioned that the best player in 3S is notorious for doing nothing. And that two of the best Chun players are pretty aggressive players and will walk you down all day and kill you if they smell blood.

Turtling in 3S works, that game has pretty good normals and gives huge damage from a parry or whiff punish. So does rushdown, the game has good movement options and mixups for a huge portion of the cast. It’s not a black-and-white offensive or defensive game.

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So this debunks the argument of some that arcsys cannot have alts in there engine.

Hopefully UI Goku and Vegeta would be just alts later on.

There have been so many legitimately erroneous things said about old games that I’m baffled.

SF4 had a lot of midscreen play even with all the vortex nonsense. The the characters that were good at controlling midscreen space weren’t great at doing multiple mix up stuff. Akuma was the sole exception to that which is why he ate nerfs for 5 versions straight and was barely edged out at the end. Jabs were good defensively because they were fast and you could link 8 of them and get a combo for trying to stop throws. OSes played a huge part of the game too. But after a bunch of shit, a lot of the game came down to footsies and throwing projectiles.

Characters in 3S are playing match ups but aren’t really playing risky. Sure, Yun and Makoto go in, but they aren’t doing a dumb offense. As a matter of fact, Makoto in particular can set up a wall of normals on people too. There are also a lot of high tier characters that aren’t Chun and do work. Yang is high tier and his whole game plan is cr.mk xx slaps. OH ON SOMEBODY PARRIED SOME SHIT. Everybody is hype when a parry happens, nobody trying to hear all the parries that get blown up or that blocking is waaaaaaaaaaaay safer than tyring to do some silly parry nonsense. also all characters are whiffing normals to gain meter.

The people who hated MvC2 on release were called Luddites. Also one of the test cabinest for MvC2 only had 4 buttons.

I think 3S is better than A3 but A3 still has a lot of cool stuff outside of v-sim nonsense. on the whole though, that list is basically right. Go watch how the old games are actually played and then look at what the new ones are doing. What you’re going to find is that after you mute out a lot of the noise, really valid points happen.

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You could make a reasonable case for UI Goku to be his own character as he does fight different. But there isn’t much material to go on, and we don’t need more Goku’s.

Actually, I take that back, we need kid Goku, from the original dragonball, complete with power pole.


Got it new (which appear to now mean the last 20 years), games drool, old games rule.

We’re just going in circles.

Besides you all know SF2 sucks, SF1 was better.

Don’t worry bro, they will learn about that pretty soon. Never-ending buttons press, dashes, grabs,fuckton damage & stun. Looks like someone perfect for SFV.

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No… a catch and release jab in a game with VTC and minimum super scaling of 50%


You already know UI Goku is coming,ArcSys loves easy Benji’s. Oh and kid Goku too. That’s the good and the bad thing about a DB game, you don’t have to worry about the cast since 90% of it will be in, but then the characters select screen look like the crowd at the stadium watching the Superbowl, the mess is real.

I mean, the series does follow the same small group of characters as the fight the monster of the week.

So it really isn’t much of a surprise.

They could do more to differentiate them though. Sharing 2/3 of their normals isn’t my favorite thing ever.

To me, outside of V-ism, Alpha 3 is my favorite to play and enjoy. I only appreciated 3S way after it was released.

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Agree, what I meant was those UI be alternate costumes instead than characters.

Is santhrax the best team? Sanford has been getting his ass beat by yipes for a long ass time and MSP seems to be doing the most at the highest levels.

In cvs2 at high level you will play against nothing but roll cancel invincibility.

In 3s chun is running shit with cr.mk and Kara throw and ken is throwing people 5 times in a row all the time in the corner.

You are correct that midscreen game is one of the many things that is good about those games, but I think people have some misconception that neutral is what makes a game fun… it really isn’t. If neutral was what made fighting games fun, then everyone would be playing Dhalsim mirrors. But Dhalsim mirrors are fucking terrible… and lots of neutral. If it were an FPS, all neutral would be someone running around the map all day, taking long ranged hip shots here and there, never hitting anyone and never getting a kill or killed. That’s NEUTRAL nothing happens. What makes neutral interesting is BREAKING neutral or STOPPING someone from breaking neutral. That’s what is tight. That’s why strong options for BOTH offense and defense are needed to make a game fun. Like I said, safe mixups, one off that can’t easily be repeated, but you need to break neutral before you get a chance to run them, and the opponent needs to also have strong options to STOP you from breaking neutral. This makes a game hyper fun and dynamic. You feel like you are dictating your opponents style and playing them like a puppet, you feel like you have a say in what they do.

Sf5, even when I see the best players play, feels more like players are just trying different stuff and seeing what sticks. Doesn’t feel like there are many opportunities for forced actions. This also makes defense feel like it just happens, rather than correct reads being made.

And I say this as someone that better players have told me I have great defense. I’ve also had players tell me I have good offense. But my offense in THIS game is way worse than any other sf I can remember… and SO IS EVERYONE ELSES. The only player I’ve seen with an offense that even approaches the strong linearity and player option control, is punk. Not even tokido looks like he has a great offense. He’s also just throwing out mostly random string and taking what he can get, it he’s super smart and can play in a way where he gets more chances than most of his opponents, hence why he’s an evo champ.

I don’t want ONLY strong offense or ONLY strong defense… I want both. Video games are supposed to make you feel powerful and in charge. I feel like older games did that well. Even losing 10-0 in an older game I always felt like I was learning something and had powerful options. I just felt like I was getting outplayed. In newer games with more shitty options it feels a lot less like getting outplayed and a lot more like you are just put into a proverbial wheelchair.

I guess an analogy that kinda works is imagine an FPS game where you could only use knives and the games weakest pistol… versus a game where you had automatic weapons available.

I think there’s something to be said for both styles of play, but the automatic weapon game is the one I’d have more fun with. I like powerful options and sf5 is probably the first sf where I’ve truly felt like even the most powerful options in the game… are really weak compared to older titles.