SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

I gotcha. As a learning experience I agree, as a strategy for winning I don’t like doing a mirror against a player who is better than me.

Laura’s probably bottom 5.

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Idk about bottom 5 but agree with low mid. May as well play Mika.

Its not even that. Slayer, Sol, Faust, Potemkin, Elphelt, and I-No are not on the same gameplan to open you up.

In DBF every character has an universal overhead that they can’t combo from and one special that’s randomly an overhead (that they are unlikely to combo from unless they have an assist either). So you just sit there, waiting for the special move or the square dash. If they have a command grab you can be scared.

Hell half the point of lockdown assists is to square dash at them with a character who hopefully can create fuzzy guard situations.

Super Dash is a flying, tracking hitbox that’s hard to stuff from a lot of places, randomly crosses up and invalidates a bunch of projectiles. Not only that but it also gives you a combo on hit and its hard to punish on block. There are character who could legit spend a lot of the game chucking projectiles but can’t because you’re just gonna mary poppins your way in.

MvC3 sucked ass too but at least the games went by fast.

I don’t think Laura is better than Alex or Fang. Leaves her bottom with Ed and claw in my eyes.

But talking in an hyperbolic scenario the real difference is made in the defensive options and their strength

My returning character

SF4 Abel. SF5 Zeku & Kolin, SF3 Necro, SFZ Maki & Sodom

My only issue with super dash is it’s properties on block. If I were in charge I would have a blocked SD use up all your air actions. You wouldn’t be punished, but you would have to eat pressure/mixup.

Also, SD can be stuffed from a ton of locations, just not the air so well.

SD is also very dumb in sparking, which is another reason for my proposed change.

I am hopeful the guard and spark changes will weaken this strategy, as again… I agree it’s too strong. The reason you see it all the time is mostly due to its effectiveness, not so much that it’s all that any character can or does do.

Also, your comment about the universal overhead applies to… most games actually. And the thing about overhead specials is wrong, and also irrelevant really.

Asking for Rashid back is like asking for Fuerte back.

The game is better without either of them. Also, Rashid’s run was a mistake.

Don’t @ me.


Abel? The blonde with no personality that is yet another throwaway Bison body? Why would you want him? Rolls?


Alternative grappler if the likes of Alex isn’t coming back. Yet I prefer more Haggar which is unlikely to happen in SF.


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In GG for example characters already move differently. They have different walkspeeds and different dashes. They also take different amounts of damage. In DBFZ everyone moves literally the same. And everyone has access to super dash and vanish, which are the best movement options. I mean, where is the Slayer dash in this game? Why does Broly move with the same speed as everyone else, takes the same amount of damage and dishes out similar damage too? Even in MvC3 a character like Arthur felt compeltely different from Wolverine. And it was also a 3v3 game.

In GG characters have different combos from each other. What I mean is different inputs for special moves, delays, links, micro dashes etc. In DBFZ every character does the same fucking combo over and over again. Literally the same combo, which does anywhere from 3.600-4.200 dmg + tacked on supers, and you press (almost) the same buttons with all the characters. In GG the ways in which characters open you up is different too. In DBFZ every character does the same pressure.

Everyone has the same buttons in DBFZ too. down H for anti-air/anti super dash. up M for non-comboeable overhead, down M for sweep etc. And super dash is the scrubbiest mechanic ever.


Didn’t realize y’all thought she was that bad I figured solid mid maybe low mid. But I have seen a couple peeps on discord talking about dropping her. Even some saying at this point there’s no reason to play her when there’s better options.

If I could just find somebody I liked well enough to put some time into.

Edit I was low-key hoping haggar would make sfv but seeing as how Cody is the mayor now I don’t see that happening.

I’d go low-mid as well. I think her BS is good enough to keep her from the absolute bottom of the barrel but she just doesn’t get enough going consistently or with enough oomph to ratchet her up much higher than that. Also hurt significantly by Mika running pretty much the exact same game but getting way better payout.

I hate saying that but after playing her for all of last season I don’t feel like she is worth it unless you absolutely love her. Like “get a back tattoo of her” love her.

@FlyingVe I still probably have some Laura muscle memory so if you want to get some XP in that match up I can dust her off at some point.

What everyone else has said is on point. One of her biggest problems is that her oki is relatively weak. She gets dash jab after MP Elbow/Rodeo Break but its shallow so she can’t threaten much past that and has to get cheeky if she really wants to maintain momentum. Its a little better after Split River (the side switch one) but because its the side switch she doesn’t get it too often. Likewise with command grab she gets either st.HK or LP elbow, both of which are negative, so just blocking and watching for a turn steal dash is probably the best idea.

Biggest thing is watching for Avante cancels and keeping those in check. If you check those consistently it gets really rough for her. EX Clap lets her stay in if she gets in but she only gets so many of those in a row and they are a good VReversal point (or you can do other stuff depending on how they are cancelling to get through the projectile.)


How do you play? What do you like about Laura?

Again, seems to me like he was talking on a very macro level.

“Guilty gear is not the same as DBFZ”
“in other news, bears still shit in the woods”

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So the complaint is all anti-airs have the same button input? And all specials have the same button input?

Also the combos aren’t the same, but even if they were that’s doesn’t seem that important?

Sure GG and MvC3 have wildly different movement styles, but that’s far from the norm.

Everything seems to come down to “box dash is too strong”… and again… I agree…

Also, saying all combo damage is similar is also wrong…

I would appreciate that, I’m not used to it so I just need to get comfortable seeing her stuff so I can react.

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I can’t really come up with a answer for how I play but I like her for vskill dash, vtrigger being pretty good for comebacks, and having a command grab. Other than that I don’t have a reason for picking her. I’ve never really played grapplers outside of her and haggar in umvc3. I only picked her because she was related to Sean and I was hoping he’d be in the game.

I mainly pick characters just based on looks. I guess if I had to say what I wanted out of a character it would be consistency, decent damage, and maybe some mixup potential. I know those things don’t always come as a package.

I thought about zeku but I hear he can be tedious with meaties and stuff. I’ve messed with ibuki a little too.
Getting ready to mess around in training mode and trials and see either anyone catches my attention. I’m open to any suggestions.