SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

finally a self compliment


(Need 8 characters)

I am at my local playing KoFXIV and getting rightfully bodied. I am having so much fun.


Would be strange to see another rebalance of SFV that soon, especially when 4.0 is the most balanced version of the game to date. I thought SFV was running in the arcades already since October/November, but this delay smells like something huge coming. My optimistic side would say we’re going to have the S4 newcomers all ready to fight with Type Arcade release, instead the negative side foresee just a character and some differences between the home version and the cab version, especially regarding PP/BP. The arcade release will make Japan even stronger, I’m looking forward to the new players we’ll see rising from there. With cabs becoming active just this year I don’t see Capcom stopping the game development anytime soon, confirming 2020 as SFV last year would be stupid.

P.S. And Makoto better be there Capcom, I dare you.


It doesn’t have to be a balance revision, but a content revision. There are already some photos of a new UI for Type Arcade.

Also I agree with the rest of what you said. 2020 is not the end of SF5. It makes more sense for them to push the definitive version of the game out with the launch of PS5 and carry on from there.

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I like how G is creepily looking over the group, Cody is leering down at Falke’s cleavage, while Sakura is annoyed that Ryu is too busy locking eyes with Sagat to notice her.

I’m a bit disappointed by Highland’s guide on the Bison mu, not because it isn’t a great guide (quite the contrary) but because 90% of the answers against this character seem to be either “predict his next move” and “take risks” (oh, and “don’t press anything”).
Also, fucking buff Juri already, I’m sick of having to rely on either stores or meter just to have the same damage and oki even “not that good characters” like ken have.
Also pls fix her dp

Frame trapped started working for me again so I got a start on the hitbox changes. There were more box changes than this, but since I didn’t take screencaps of every frame I don’t have direct comparisons for everything (and the text in trials blocks part of the view which makes that not a so great option)

Note, the update to frame trapped also gave the option to change the thickness of the boxes, but that made it so the old thin ones don’t display at all. So I used slightly thicker ones for the new screenshots. Should make for easier viewing in the future

Abigail Light Command Grab

Abigail Medium Command Grab

Abigail Heavy Command Grab

Abigail EX Command Grab

Abigail's New Command Normal

Akuma Crouching Heavy Punch

Akuma Fireball

Alex Crouching Light Punch

Alex Crouching Medium Punch

Alex Crouching Medium Kick

Alex Standing Heavy Punch New Hitbox

Alex EX Knee Smash (note, still has air invincibility)

Alex EX Power Bomb

Blanka Crouching Heavy Kick

Blanka Heavy Vertical Rolling

Cammy Crouching Medium Punch

Cammy Air Throw

Vega Forward Heavy Punch

Vega Air Throw

Chun's new V-skill Attack

Cody Crouching Light Punch

Cody Standing Light Kick

Cody Standing Medium Punch

Cody Jumping Heavy Kick

Cody Light Ruffian (hitbox expanded forward very, very slightly)

Cody EX Ruffian

Cody EX Zonk Hitbox 1 (Used to be the same as regular Zonk)

Cody EX Zonk Hitbox 2 (Also used to be the same as regular Zonk)

Cody Tornado Sweep Projectile

Cody V-skill 2nd kick

Cody AA Pipe Swing 2nd hitbox (lower hitbox expanded forward slightly)

I’ll get more some other time


Also @FlyingVe my friend bailed on me so I’ll be able to play whenever

Same goes for anyone else, if anyone has no life like me XP

Okay, it will still be a few hours. I have to clean up some stuff and grab a sandwaih on the way home.

I will @ you in case you are still around.

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Is Rashid’s pressure after ex fireball real? (would test but away from ps4)

EDIT: in the corner

He’s mad plus after his ex fireball. (Like +9 or some stupid shit) If he rolls after ex fireball he’s more plus the further away he is.

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oh she will be there

be ready for non karakusa/hayate Makoto with an emphasis on keepaway instead :smirk:

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I think i gotta check Steam artwork for Mortal Kombat more often.


bless u friend I try my best to be EDUTAINMENT

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Also happy birthday to the person who has been wronged more than anyone else in all of SFV

Maybe season 5 will do right by you

or maye someone can have a claw in MK11 and you can spiritually transfer yourself there.


But it’s not Ed’s birthday

calm yourself Bill this is vega’s moment

He still has much to pay for his ST crimes.
He deserves NOTHING good! :angry:

meh, at least Vega has godlike walkspeed, dash and pokes, ex moves that actually leave him plus