SFV Lounge: Ken is high mid. Kage is barely mid. F2P still coming

x-kira is the light only he knows anything about fighting games

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God, Kyle is such a killjoy.


Is it true that fgc tournament standard is on ps4 because of SFV? I’m skeptical because it was just one guy who said it on eventhubs a couple months back so I’m just curious.

Is that for real? Seems like an ellaborate sarcasm, how could someone even keep track of all those banned moves without a judge for every tournament screen.

Meh Gutsman.

Not really interested in the Gutsman costume , but it looks good.

I do however want his theme song.

Little MK11 Vote.

PS4 is tournament. The first year was because Sony sponsores the CPT. After that it was kept as the standard due to the logistical nightmares running a tournament on PCs would represent.


If we are doing Megaman crossovers I think Urien or Akuma should be Forte/Bass.

You say is that for real, never forget smash is smash.

BEHOLD THIS MONUMENT TO MANS SIN, and never forget, smash is smash

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Cant post in the bbtag thread 3 times in a row so I guess I’ll post this here lol

At work and haven’t really been able to look into this but I guess a possible arcade release and new character?

I’m honest about Smash being wack, hella people get mad.

Evil_Canadian throwing all the lowkey shade, people just holding that.

Hella cowards being quiet 'cause they wanna ride on that youtube hype. I see you.


When EC does it its funny. You sound like an old man telling the kids to get off your lawn lol

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I finally realized why I suck so hard at performing fatalities in MKX.

My inputs are too fucking fast. Once I slowed them down, I was getting them like the majority of the time.

Went back to MVCI for a bit and Black Widow is legit one of the most fun characters I touched in the Vs series. Really hate how this game just ended up being unexplored because of the many disasters surrounding it.

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Ah, y’all wanna stay wack, you just dont want to feel bad about being wack.

Makes sense.

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Sometimes Pertho is really old, but when he’s telling you Smash is a party game played by people who don’t take showers, he’s just old enough and you should listen. Like the right heat of porridge.


1.100 hours on sf5. 424 hours on Fifa 17, 401 hours on fifa 16.
My ps4 life.

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Still fantastic, after all these years.

On the real, the ol’ heads like Dime and Pert be writing the best paragraphs.

Pert will drag a nigga with the quickness, but then when you politely ask his opinion on a certain game, he’ll give like 3-4 elaborate paragraphs on it. Dime…well, we all know a reply to why Heavy Punch is -3 on block is enough to get him started.


Blanka can be toad man.

What the literal fuck. Seriously are these guys making this shit because of epic memes or are they that brain damaged?

Also I’m gonna be on this weekend. I’m NA west coast/Oregon. I’ll play anyone here that wants to play me even if they’re bronze. Don’t let my LP fool you, I’m hot garbage and fall for the dumbest shit so come with your best gimmicks and stroke your ego for the weekend.

Also if you wanna play me just @ me here or hit me up on discord. I hate it when random people send me invites prease undahstandoh