SFV Lounge: I'm still alive. Sakura's alt is kinda cute


Sorry if I didn’t tell you guys. I warned GD when I made it months ago because the possible beta option would’ve required changing people’s membership levels. Wanted to have a test account to see how that may have gone.


Honestly I sorta want that as well. Like I want to be happy but if Ono can’t deliver than burn it all to ground.

Worse case scenario and best for the memes would be.

E.Honda reveal with Ono coming out on stage being all goofy like he’s hiding the last big reveal. It’s Violent Ken but because they can’t use that due to SNK, so they rename him Heftig Ken. Rashid gets an idol school girl outfit because Gachikun likes AKB48. The remaining stage is a alt color version of the training stage. Balance patch nerfs Ed and nerf Ryu. V-Skill 2 just reuses the regular V-Skill animation and does fuck all for building meter. Fang is top tier.

No SF6 in development. Konami bought Capcom and Metal Gear X SF mobile is out today. Oh wait Ono’s not even on stage it’s the MonHun guy doing the presentation because nepotism and he doesn’t know the tradition so he ends the reveals with “JAUN TOO THREE TATSUMAKI SENPUKYAKU.” Reports come out of mass back pains due to everyone either straining their muscles to do a whirlwind kick or everyone is on the ground bloody because they actually got hit. Ono in Japan during all of this smiles knowing that deep down inside this was the plan all of along. Turns out SFV was a money laundering scheme and Ono got demoted on purpose to draw less attention to himself. He hops on a jet with his white wife and we never hear from him again.

I’m sure it’s gonna be okay though :blush:


Hol up, is it even legal to have fake accounts here?

PerthosSmasherAccount gonna get @Pertho banned lmao.


Well that nice, I wasn’t really pissed at the competitors , I was pissed that somehow they managed to really fuck up the whole process !

Like just about to reach climax with the Mrs and she says.- right that’s it, better get the dinner on!

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Alright. Done!!


I was joking FYI.

Thanks for the info on ignore, that should be great for those that wanted it.


Not yet its not a tactic but it could easily develop into one. There was a guy giving very basically applications of it for Cassie on TYM.

Also i think throws should lose to strikes. Throws should be reserved as a block beater for when you read your opponent won’t hit a button.

But also fuck Cassie

I keep things above board as far as modding goes. PM stuff is private so I don’t drag that. But things as a moderator I make public because there’s no need to hide those.

so yeah, my bad on not letting you guys know.


You need to have a “Member” level in order to ignore people. So if you don’t get the option, @ either DJ, d3v or I and we can move you up so you can ignore people.



Cipher getting bodied by ignore function


Imagine being so bitchmade and ignore someone.
SRK has become hella soft


I’m kinda not surprised people are putting Cipher on Ignore en masse as soon as they found out they could.

Tbh, I kinda expect to be the next target…

Cause I’ll gloat every time I look at Daemos’ new AV bitches!!!

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Cipher logging into SRK tomorrow like


shiiiiiiiiiiiit I just saw this. Fucking based Yipes saving FGC commentary for another year!!!


Well look at you, you big strong man. HOW DID YOU GET SO HARD? SHOW US THOSE MUSCLES YOU STRONG HARD MAN!!!

This place is gonna be explosive for the next week lol

Where’s Jin?

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ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

@Volt you the real MVP :blush:


Ignore got used a fuckload even in the “hard days”. Hell, riots would break whenever the forums migrated into new software and ignore stopped working.


Eh, no big deal. It did lead to some funny hot takes a while ago, so all is forgiven.

Oh hell no. They wanna ignore, they better grind whatever the fuck makes you a member to ignore.

Also, lol @corona getting cucked by the ignore function, and @Daemos you can only post the full version of this gif. Abbacchio’s calm sip is the funniest part.

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