Nice to know that you see the icon next to the bars.

Nice to know that you see the icon next to the bars.
I played 3 FT5 sets and only got failed data errors. Stayed in the matches the whole time.
I hear a lot of people are getting disconnected in ranked and casual so I’ll stay off them.
Is it just me having these huge problems? I feel like everyone else is able to get on and play fine.
It take 5-10 mins to initially get logged on, then I DC from server a couple of times. Then once I’m finally logged in, I try battle lounge or casual, person connects, connection is great, but on going through to the character select screen the games ALWAYS disconnects and I can’t play a single game. Whhat the hell… it’s been like this for 4 days I just wanna play the F****** game D:
I just got disconnected midmatch. Gonna stay off for a bit, not getting Reapered.
This change is ridiculous. The only games that I managed to finish today without a disconnect were the ones that I lost. Every game I came close to winning resulted in a disconnect from the server.Then after a number of those I got a message about being punished for inappropriate behavior!
There’s no point in playing SFV online anymore until Capcom revert this.
Out of about 100 games I’ve faced one equally matched opponent. Rest were all lower rank than me.
Fix your shit, Capcom.
So I’m using the PSN version, and Cammy is missing from the character select screen.
Any suggestions?
Dunno where to post this, just would like to warn you guys about the player below:
I had a ranked match with him. I won and LP was distributed normally. We had a rematch, I lost and suddenly his ranking changed from Super Gold to Rookie and my LP went from 6068 to 5585 and his LP was increased almost 400!
Already reported to capcom.
That’s not cheating, it’s a server issue… calling names even before knowing what’s happening, lol.
Yeah, sometimes my status randomly says Rookie as well.
Im on ps4 and lately online has become unplayable for me… it takes 10mins to login to the server and load times has become really bad between screens… and when i finally get a match its says connection with opponent lost 40001 or something like that… I have a LAN connection ive tested other games fine…
That’s not cheating, it’s a server issue… calling names even before knowing what’s happening, lol.
Now I know. Thanks capcom!
Thanks indeed
She’s gonna be so cool.
Sends a shiver down my spine
I’m so excited. I hope she’s as fun to play as she ought to be with this concept.
You will be charged FM or cash to play her, yes
I hope they don’t get cold feet and back out of showing us the gameplay reveal, that’d be a terrible way to break the ice after a 3 month freeze on announcements