I really want color edit and still i completely agree with you

Color Edit with hide on your screen (show standaard #1 color) option, it’s the best scenario

Protect my eyes from shit tastes is welcome

Does’nt care wich game have it and wich not

As now SFV don’t have it, and i doubt it will ever have it for free

If the price is reasonable, will buy

Free color edit > Paid color edit > No color edit

I’m not against have it for free, i’m against don’t get it at all

You are like the perfect corporate shill. You’ll pay for shit that was free just because it’s not free anymore. Did you buy that asparagus water shit from whole foods too? Vote with your wallet

I’ll pay Capcom what I want!

And I’ll drink this diet water as I do it!

Only Japan can make diet water

Wait, is it gluten free?

No, it isn’t. I don’t have that kind of money.

Lol at corporate shill

I want color edit in, if they make me chose between keep 5$ or color edit for a game i will play for years, i will pick color edit, simple as that

If you don’t want it if is’nt free, when given the same choice keep your 5$

I already paid $60 dollars, though. I should keep my $5 and have it if it was intended to be in the game. If there truly is a DLC color edit mode get ready for Oblivion Horse Armor or more recently Evolve levels of microtransactions backlash. I think it’s stupid that Capcom wants to sell you Survival colors for $1.99 or whatever in addition to (like someone said) gating some of the original and iconic character colors behind it. I don’t even attempt Hard Survival. Last time I got to 47 and the server kicked me off.


You paid $60 dollars for a game without Color Edit and that never promised you future free Color Edit

They offered for $60 the game you see + the promise you will not have to pay for gameplay additions (characters, mechanics, patches)

From there, if you want or not pay $5 for a non-gameplay mechanic, is up to you

Also, i don’t have to “get ready for Oblivion Horse Armor or more recently Evolve levels of microtransactions backlash”, as being not Capcom i don’t have to give much fucks about audience’s opinion and feelings

Make me an offer, if i find the price worth the content, i will pay

Tbf I wouldn’t trust Capcom’s promises anyway.

Tbh i loved Inafune’s bombing

He betrayed japanese VG world when still was at Capcom

Then got out, and self procamed himself as some sort of japanese VG world (MegaMan) hero/rebel against the system, when actual was one of the ones that pushed for that system

He’s basically shit-capcom butthurt ex GF

This shit reflect him
Dat like-dislike ratio

“Cry like an anime fan on prom night” is pretty good, though

Really feel sad about Mighty number nine.

I thought mighty no 9 was 2d animation at first? What happened?


You probably remember that artwork of wich artstyle they was going to aim for

Then we got what you see

K, that’s pretty fucked up. Basically changed the entire art style of the game on people.

New info on premium costumes and alt stages for June Update**


Not the right link bro.

Thanks. Now has correct link