SFV Character Request/Anticipation Thread

Maybe, but if they don’t do that then I wouldn’t mind simply having another gigantic female in the SF universe.

Arika owns the rights to the EX characters

  1. To Ebenezer

Gender identity is a person’s private sense and subjective experience of their own gender. This is generally described as one’s private sense of being a man or a woman, consisting primarily of the acceptance of membership into a category of people: male or female.

A person can identify as whatever they want, but then why should others have to identify them as that? If I identified as a golden eagle, should I have to force everyone else to address me as an eagle? It’s all dangerous territory that could lead to a lot of problems.

Should MtF transgenders use the women’s bathroom then? So if I was MtF, didn’t even start therapy yet, so just look like a regular dude, I can saunter into the woman’s bathroom and they should be fine with it, cause I’m a woman, I say so.

Should MtF transgenders be allowed to compete in women’s sports, even though since they are biologically male they have a tremendous physical advantage (which is why men and women’s sports are often separate). Take it further, what about MMA or boxing?

I haven’t mentioned FtM cause there are less problems that arise. If a FtM wants to compete in male sports she’ll be destroyed, wants to go to the men’s bathroom, that’s fine. We’d love any woman to be there anyhow.

  1. Yeah EX characters weren’t developed by Capcom, so I don’t think they have the rights to them.

  2. I agree a giant female, is very appealing. At least someone who doesn’t have a physique looking like they would be destroyed by an average man.

I was correcting your earlier statement about people being born with an unchangeable gender and your assertion that this was ‘scientific fact’ because it was wrong and it suggested you didn’t even know what the word gender means. I wasn’t and won’t be getting into a long debate about whether you or anyone else ‘should’ identify somebody else as their chosen gender (short answer though - yes you should, if for no other reason that to not be a shitty person).

The golden eagle shit is just stupid. It’s the equivalent of the anti-gay marriage brigade claiming that it would lead to people marrying their dog or sibling or whatever… A reduction to absurdity is always a piss poor way to make a point.

The sports stuff you’ve pulled out of your arse… The Olympics put a policy in place back in 2004:

‘The IOC rule states that participation is based on sex, and those wishing to compete against athletes not of their birth sex are required to undergo sex reassignment surgery along with two years of either testosterone suppression or testosterone supplementation.’

Many other sports bodies have similar policies.

So MtF’s are already allowed to compete against cisgender women or vice versa - your question of ‘should’ they be allowed is redundant.

I personally don’t give a shit which bathroom anyone uses. What do you get up to in a public bathroom that would be affected by a trans person using the same bathroom?

Your ignorance on the subject is annoying tbh so I won’t be posting anymore about it. This isn’t the place for this convo either.

I liked the old school approach SF4 took on some new fighters, sadly they lacked the “cool” factor and they may end up search another less SFish route this time

my hope is they keep the nation/style combo, it give me coherent feel with the traditional SF chara design logic

Some unused possible

Israel/Krav Maga
Greece/Pankratium <— Urien may fit that one
France/Savate <— Remy may fit, but let’s be honest, fuck Remy :smiley:
Brazil/Brazian JJ <— Oro as Helio Gracie tribute was supposed to be something like that, but end up nothing like BJJ
Brazil/Capoeira <— if Elena is’nt in
Philippines/Kali double stick <— or whatever, resurrect Eagle
Italy/Knife or Razor <— some nice mafia sterotype there lol, but whatever :smiley:
Ireland/Bare knuckle Boxer or straight Brawler
New Zealand/Rubgy Maori Badass <— FTW
Iceland or Poland/Strongman <— lol just imagine one of these mammoths with zero fight technique, not even wrestling, just strenght

I hope we get some europeans wich can give some nation variety in both cast and stage, i’m sure we will get a good number of USA and asian characters.
Specially stages, imho SF4 “world tour” was kinda ruined by the lack of europe imho

Black Widow looks like she would Snu Snu the shit out of you, also fuck off with the tumbler talks brevs

What’s funny though is Black Widow is low tier in Ring of Destruction: Saturday Slam Masters 2. She just didn’t have good tools.

I couldn’t find a true tier list, but this is pretty funny and accurate regarding the characters from the 1st Slam Masters. https://thefaceinperil.wordpress.com/2014/01/20/the-definitive-saturday-night-slam-masters-power-rankings/

King Rasta was the original design of Blanka, and plays like him + a little bit of Felicia (he has a chimp for a projectile). But he’s seriously one of the worst characters. And Black Widow is right down there with him. Just compared to the rest of the cast is why she’s bad. There are a couple characters (Sabre, Wraith) who just own the screen.

Damn dude it’s like if a character has even the slightest bit of sex appeal they’re flawed. Like Chun-Li and Rose are a problem why??? Like really?

I think he was praising their sex appeal, not criticizing them.

Yeah maybe, but some people are probably getting upset and thinking it’s all wrong in general to just “assume a character has sex appeal just because she’s female”. Because some crazy Anita Sarkeesian bullshit is clearly what this thread would need and nobody would be surprised about it by this point.

Doesn’t sound like it since his last line implies he is tried of characters with “fetishes”. Imho, blufang is over analyzing little things

Ebenezer: The olympic policy…wow that is super messed up. In fact that is one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever heard. The physical advantages a male has are immense, bone mass, muscle mass, joints, etc. Hormones and surgery isn’t going to completely eliminate that. It is just ridiculous, a joke. Just to be polite they are going to destroy the intergrity of sports and let males who identify as women compete with actual women. When does the madness end. It should be scientifically proven that there are ZERO advantages before they even think of letting this happen, otherwise it is bullshit to appease a group instead of what is good for the sport. Obviously there are massive advantages even with therapy/surgery, so despite some hurt feelings, your sex should be what determines if you compete against the males or the females.

As far as bathrooms, personally I don’t care who steps into the boys bathroom. Women, however, do care if males enter their bathroom regardless of what gender they identify as. They have that right and I can’t blame them.

Anyways this thread isn’t the place to discuss this, you are right.

As far as sex appeal and my list, yes I love sex appeal and I was talking about the characteristics the existing female street fighters have that display that. However I was also making a point that the female fighters seem much more created for sex appeal, than to look like someone that can really kick ass. Makoto is the true exception, and I want more female fighters that are like that. Serious intimidating fighters.

Makoto is fetishy, just in a different way. Boy-like girls are a popular fetish among the anime watching types. She was deliberately made that way.

The reason nearly all the girls are created for sex appeal is because the overwhelming majority of fighting game players are men.

MMA fighter from the North Caucasus who can’t catch a break, and is perpetually stuck in lesser known circuits unless he enters the Tournament.

Or we could give a tragic ending for Hugo if he makes it into SFV.

“Hugo had suffered many brain concussions and various head-related injuries that it began to deteriorate his mental health. Several years after the final tournament, Hugo commits a murder-suicide spree in which he takes the life of himself, Poison, and their child by performing a megaton press off of Metro City’s highest tower. He gave them one last embrace as they fell towards the pitch black concrete.”
-excerpt from the ending.

Or, we could not, because that idea is fucking stupid.

This is the last I’ll speak on this because I’m not trying to derail the thread with this. My point is not wether you like character’s with sex appeal or not/ My point is that just because a character is made to look attractive doesn’t mean they can’t also be a legit tough fighter. Lets look at real life example Ronda Rousey. We all know she can whup some ass, while still looking feminine and attractive. Why can’t videogame characters? I think characters like Chun-Li are a great balance between attractiveness and toughness. Has a attractive outfit that is still practical, and she her attacks are very legit and effective. It’s not like she’s R.Mika with a very sexualized outfit and impractical fan servicy attacks such as throwing her self at you butt first. As for Makoto, she’s actual one of my fav characters, but I think a female can look tough without being such a tomboy that she’s mistaken for a boy. Sex appeal or attractiveness doesn’t have to be sacrificed to make a female fighter tough and intimidating is my point.

I agree that having too many characters like R.Mika wouldn’t be best. But there’s a big difference between say R,Mika and Juri in terms of fan service. On is straight up fan service and comic relief. while the other is fierce and intimidating with some sex appeal. Don’t lump the whole female cast into one category.

And those talking about a tall female with a Amazonian build. I’d like that. She could be a more athletic grappler like Alex as appose to a powerhouse like Gief or Hugo. And definitely no ta making her “unconventially attractive” aka ugly. Again attractiveness doesn’t need to be sacrificed to make a tough female.

Sounds like smething from Skullgirls, I don’t see why street Fighter would ever get that dark and depressing.

females have advantages too.

eg world record for discus throw is still held by a woman, former-GRD Gabriele Reinsch, achieved in 1988
other East German women athletes had to undergo sex transplant surgery due to the steroids they were fed!