
Peter, way to go, you bastard, i knew you’d win! nice work cleaning house with those two pictures for the SF fanart contest.

anyone else here get their art is the book?

woot! congrats SFMC :slight_smile:

Yeah man, great job!

Yea agreed. Good shit man.

I knew you had it in the Bag.

Someone hire this guy NOW!!!

it’s alright…you lucky i didn’t enter. you should submit some sequential panels to udon to show them you can tell a story… or can you? anyways good job, and you should keep entering, from the looks of things yours is the only one worth printing.

Thanks everyone. I don’t see why any of you guys didn’t enter. I know time is hard to find, but just draw 3 hours a night, that’s how I did mine.

It’s cool to be printed so you guys better submit something next time.

Oh and that Sakura wasn’t mine, but was someone named peter nguyen also. he post here too. Peace.

what were the pieces entered? Did anyone else see them?
I never found them :confused:

Still, great job SFMC.
Sweet, enter the next one yo.

Heh…I was going to enter

…but I found out too late. I’ll be ready next time though… They will announce it in issue #7, right?

I did enter. It’s the first post in my thread. "Captian Munta’s Gallery of Seamaddened Muntness."
Cruses to you Ryu and your silly gammy leg!!! :wink:

It’ll be cool when the rest of the fanarts up on the site.

Have’nt seen the actual comic yet since it takes along time to reach our shores. So I don’t know what the deal is. What’s theme of the next fanart comp? I’ll probably do it in my native media next time. Weather permitting of course.

Sweet’s right man. Have you got any sequential stuff lying around. Alot of people (Including Udon) would like to see it I reckon.

I entered too. Though, I’m not hatin’ since out of the thousands of entries they did provide an overall nice selection of different styles and talents, and someone from this Site (actually, 2 people from this Site) did win afterall!

There are no rules for the next contest, so you can pretty much draw anything so long as it’s SF related and it’s not too gorry or X-Rated. I plan to enter once again too!