SFIV FightSTick

Can anyone let me know if the Sanwa LB-30-N Joystick Bat Top will fit on the Fight Stick, with the adapter?

Or would I have to purchase a Sanwa JLF Joystick, swap it out for the Fight Sticks stock joystick and that throw on the Bat top+adapter ,with a Restrictor plate?

the bat top will probably fit, the plate might need modding, but we won’t be sure until we see the mad catz stick.

The 360 version works with PC, we know that, what about the PS3 version? Does it work with PC too since it’s USB and all we would need is drivers?

Okay, so I went to pre-order the fight stick at EB in Canada, but they were no longer accepting pre-orders. The price of the stick was $79.99, and they boosted the price to $99.99 when it comes back on sale. So, I asked if they were pre-ordering the TE stick, they said ‘yes.’ I said how much, and they are selling it for $190.99. So, I’m thinking this price is fucking ridiculous for a stick, and I put $10 down for the TE pre-order.

What the heck should I do? Wait, or get the TE even with its ridiculous price tag?

It’s probably due to the fact that there’s such a diff between the US and Canadian dollar. I paid $150 US for my TE but it ended up costing me $180 CDN (and then shipping). The price is gonna be the same wherever you buy. TE is worth it if you think it’s worth it.

Just get the Regular edition, and if you really want, you can mod it for $60 CND

To get the modded parts I would need to order online, and it would end up being about the same price.

wow thx for pic of guts Markman, reserved one right away already know what im gonna do to it x3. now i can leave my TE alone… maybe

It’s $60 CND shipped, you save $40, plus you have a set of spare Mad Catz parts for whatever.

Since the TE stick is sold out, would it be worth getting the fightstick or the HRAP ex for the 360?

im getting a fightstick, im going to put a jlf and sanwa buttons in it which should be around 55 dollars, the fightstick is practically the samething as the te but heavier and has sanwa stick,buttons, and the little compartment for the plug

edit:plus it only costed me around 140, whereas the te is 149.99 plus tax


ST stick = mod friendly
HRAP ex = less mod friendly

but i guess its what you want out of the stick

have a look here for stick tiers


at the end of the day you can mod both just your level of confort witht he subject matter

i’d tend to be a DIY person

so I’m doing the ST and putting the sanwa parts in

oh and you void the stick by modding :wgrin:

Why is the Hori RAP EX ranked higher than the SFIV Fight Stick? Aren’t the buttons configurations fucked? I really need to know the details on both sticks before I buy one. Do they both have square gates, is the button configuration really that much of a pain to configure on the HRAP EX, theres so much more…

I’ve been using keyboard all of my life and really want to get serious and play on a stick.

The RAP EX has a Sanwa JLF joystick, the normal FightStick has a generic MadCatz stick. Quality of the parts seems to be the most important criteria for a grade.

I’ll inquire about that new converter.

I’m especially interested in it because you know… ‘projects’. … :wink: