SFIII 3rd Strike (SUPERCADE/GGPO/nFBA,etc) Palmod palettes fair

Does anyone have a preview pic of the new shoddy colours pack? Figured I’d gasp once more in awe.

  • Forget it, I saw it over on EventHubs. Believe it or not they’re even more gash than the last set.
    People are gonna be pissed when they release the colour editor if they bought these :S

-Nice pals Jed !
You should make tutos and a thread for these !

-Welcome Catwilly, that’s good for a first try !

  • LET, yup those are crappy as the first ones. sigh. I contacted them and sent a few previews. to them “it’s a matter of tastes”.

yeah just looking at certain things like specific pixels being lighter in value then others, i already know the rest of the sprite is going to look like ass. it was too late to change anything i think since it came out so fast and without warning on xbl after all the bitching. if there’s a third pack i hope they know what they’re doing by then.

alien, i read that reply they sent you and i was pretty disheartened. they just don’t care if it looks bad and can say it’s simply a matter of tastes :rolleyes:. i guess they don’t want to offend those that prefer shitty edits that are hella distracting and cater to them. oh well, here’s hoping the last pack will be color edit mode or they fix the palettes when they do the next TU but i doubt any of that will happen :frowning:

I really think they have shitty taste and shitty execution, nothing more.
They won’t fix anything on that end, but only half of me hopes they release a color edit mode.
If they do and since they don’t want to add an option to see / not see the other’s color, this may get even worse than what they did so far, with all black characters, and even more fucked up colors.

They messed up Light to Dark gradients in the first pack. And that’s their comeback.

They’re a bunch of idiots. They should know that user-generated content is worth the extra spend because it keeps the game interesting and the community warm.

They have that for YouTube uploads but the quality is douche (don’t wanna spend money) so they messed up there, they could have added the colour edit mode and had a gallery for colours much like the replay system in SF4. They could’ve made it simple, shareable and essential but instead they spend peanuts on a strange port. Frankly I think the team they put on this just don’t understand the community.

SFIII is a very stylish game and the team have tainted it with the one chance they needed. Shame.

I got bored and decided to do some palettes in one of first games I did palette editing for.
X-Men Cota


SSF4 was still just a rumor when I did these edits.




Thanks to Alien nose job i don’t have to basically start from square one on my vsav edits.

Just some of the edits I’ve done right before I saved over that state.
At least, I still have pictures to base the palettes off of.



Dunno if I will remake these two.





Few of my edits for Bulleta are being based of Hol Horse palettes.


Morrigan and Lilith have one color in common(Lilith’s LK = Morrigan’s MP) I’m probably going to keep it like that but i’m not sure if I’ll have this edit as it though


and the last one.

Spoiler used to hide the flood.

Hmm, yeah, I think Twelve, Necro and Q could all do with a natural skin tone.

How about Dudley’s shirt being made skin color?

Want a costume edited? In order to make a request, list the character and the button (lp,lk,mk,hp, etc) and what you want. Provide pictures if you can.
Android 13

Below is a list of the pack, from the first to most current.

V.5 (Contains revamped skins for everyone and everything. Supers, Ex animations, parries, fireballs, elenas stage are also included.

V.1 http://localhostr.com/file/kjTBwUc/51
V.2 http://localhostr.com/file/WFnATEm/51
V.3 http://localhostr.com/file/6nbmD3k/51.rar
V.4.1 http://localhostr.com/file/4ws53Ik/51.rar
V.4.2(completed EX and parry edits)http://localhostr.com/file/nYnfqWn/ExtractMe.rar



how do we edit our own colors? I got the mod above and I main akuma and sean and their colors suck (or aren’t even edited).

I dont like urines portal being red either, too hard to see through

Wow, just wanted to say to LET: man, every single one of your palette mods is awesome O.o I don’t know if you work in graphics or something but you sure have your way with mixing colors and rendering them ! Bravo !

ESN, ce que tu as fait avec ton site est tout bonnement impressionnant ! T’es pas du genre à t’étaler dessus mais franchement félicitations, je te tire mon chapeau :o

Et chocobon super taf sur les décors :o Je suis charmé par ta gallerie “désuette” !

Props to everyone ! I’ll try to find some time to make new mods, but it’s getting hard to do something new AND good !

anybody knows how to use the 51 rom in the current romset of mame ?


Hey mate, thanks for the help there, I started playing with shmpmame and I was curious to see what my old colours would look like with a proper HLSL rendering !
My HLSL settings may not be completely accurate and screenshots look even brighter than the game playing for some reason, but it’s way closer to the high contrast arcade monitors have.

For those wondering how it works, it’s very simple :
just unzip the rom’s content in the same folder as CPS3romconverter, not in another folder, right there, at the root.
Don’t forget to empty the nvram folder in your shmpmame folder, and maybe, not sure it is useful, make sure you don’t have any duplicate for the rom (like a parent rom or something), or then put the same content as with the rom you’re gonna play.



Hey rageous, welcome and thanks for your contribution !

What does this do?

Romsets have been updated, so the rom we use to edit colours is not used anymore. Means you can’t play on a newer emu with it.
This little program lets you convert your old rom, edited or not, in a newer rom so that you can enjoy better emulation with Shmupmame or groovymame, and see your colour sets.

I find they make a huge difference, input wise first and foremost, and in scanlines/arcade brightness authenticity looks as well (if you don’t have a CRT and need some filters to make it look like it should). It’s waaaaaaaaaay better than the regular scanline effect commonly used. Even better than using a scanlines generator alone as it can compensate for the dullness of LCD colours.

CVS2 Shin Akuma, SVC Violent Ken, and CVS Evil Ryu


Click the image to download

Good evening, this is my first post. This PALMOD tool is great, I’m starting to port the extra 6 colors from Dreamcast to my Arcade ROM file, but I have a problem:

I can’t find the portraits (The face of the character under the health bar) in the Dreamcast files.

Is there any way to open those Dreamcast portraits in PALMOD? I want to export the Dreamcast portrait palettes.

Thank you very much in advance.