We’re all just too damn polite.
I thought last year’s 3v3 regional side tournament was great. I believe Megaman organized it? I would love to have one of those again!
I really hate shit talking. Especially because sometimes I can’t tell if it’s serious, or just shit talking to induce hype. That said I’ll start now.
I heard Coth likes likes math. What a loser lol.
Vestax usually counter picks me with Honda. It’s like he mains Honda or something.
Philcito beats me too much now.
1hitparry is the worst player on earth.
We’re too polite? HA, Im still waiting for you too shit talk someone on XBL.
I heard 1hitparry likes making soap with a 3rd grade junior chemistry set. (I think I remembered that right :lol:)
I also heard thelo doesn’t know that there are other directions besides down back.
A Cammy only player will reach top 8… and that will be… ME!!! Take that you pansy ass coasters! Don’t even get me started on Canadians! (Especially those damned Quebecers!)
(Secret to achieving said plan: Bribing off everyone i know to be better to take a dive… and to make a big scene on camera after ‘beating’ said player… Afro what’s the going rate to throw a match now days?)
LOL… that’s your shit talking? Please dude, you are way too humble and better than you think. Shit talking would be like “Coth is what it’s in your mouth when you try to say it” Ooooohh burnn… jk Coth we know we love you!
I rather shit talk to SF4 players. A lot of SF4 gatherings I go to… all I hear is “HDR? Fuck that game”.
I know I’m beating a dead horse but I still don’t see the difference in offline XboxHDR vs PS3HDR. For those of you who only have 360’s sticks… get a CHIMP board… it’ll make life easier. You got at least 5 months to do this!
Is there a dress code in Evo? I would like to sport just my red underwear & my manliness…I cant grow chest hairs though…
Why the hell is everyone picking on me!? WTF! :lol:
Cause you like math?
Thelo has been saying he can take your DeeJay out blindfolded with his Honda :tup:
Dude, fuck rog! That bitch is goin’ down this year! :nunchuck:
Actually, I was the one that organized that, but Megaman did help out a ton with actually running the thing. It was a ton of fun, but it was an absolute bitch to organize and run. I’m *really *not sure that I’m up for going through all that again. Though, if someone else (DGV?) wanted to take it over I’d do what I could to help out and would certainly participate / watch it go down.
If it does go down again, be aware of some things I learned from running it last year:
Don’t pick team captains that like ST over HDR and/or really care far more about SF4 than either of those. Instead, get captains that actively play and enjoy the game. They’ll be far more likely to actually assemble a team and show up.
Get people’s cell #s *before *Evo so you dont have to run around to find people as much. With spotty reception, it’ll still be problematic. But this will help a lot.
Schedule it at the time that least conflicts with anything SF4. I actually think we did a really good job with this last year, and it was still hell because half the people had to run back and forth to their SF4 pools. But doing it during pools is better than semi-finals BY FAR based on what happened with CigarBob’s ST thing.
Bring your own setup (Asus monitor and PS3, since that’s what Evo will use).
Be happy with whatever crap-ass nook you can secure to play the event and dont try to move to a better location during the tournament. Ugh…FUCK those security people!
If you do want to run the finals on stage, talk to Inkblot before Evo instead of pestering him while it’s going down. Then talk to him again when you get to Evo.
Remind people about the event before it happens. People will forget. Also, make sure the captains can find the rest of their team. Advise them early to get their teammates cell # etc.
Find a spot early in the day for where you will run the event. Then call people to let them know where it’ll be. Bringing a horn, a megaphone, or a banner to make your location obvious couldn’t hurt.
Well, that’s about all I can think of for now…
(* If because my engine blew up last Monday and I replaced it Saturday which put me back, then last night it went missing at a friend’s and I have a case opened for a missing vehicle :sad:)
We gotta make sure we record all we can.
Bring a small camera, ANYTHING!
Bring your DVR/PVR devices if you can. Direct line video capture is so much better than shaky cam.
Is that allowed? I thought since SFIV, they like to cash in on tournament footage.
Mr Wizard will tell us what pools we can and can’t post footage on.
Hopefully all of them!
Lol is that right?
Pff, all you sorry ass yanks is bait. If only I can hold a job long enough to get some plane ticked money.