Finished the brackets. Please PM or e-mail each other to play. If there are any scheduling conflicts e-mail me so I can sort it out. As per Kwazaa’s idea, this will be multiday since I’m sure not everyone’s time is that free.
Ok we’re locked in at 15 people. One random person was chosen for a bye, and for fairness’s sake I wasn’t in that pool because there might be complaints of bias later on.
Double elmination
Winner needs to win 2 matches out of 3.
Standard arcade settings, no changing timer to slow, damage to whatever. Everything at default.
Damn Blazn, sent him a private message 2 days ago and he still hasnt responded. This is the only bad thing about tournaments, there is always a few people who never show up. regardles they are a one day or multiday tournament.
Who owned whos whinning Serpent. Hellsap, for some reason i cant join Anti3d server, i can only join others like Dark Addictz. And i cant aim cause i dont have that crappy aol. I have msn messenger. Its better to make a time. Ill be in dark addictz on the 24th from 6 to 8 pacific time so finish our match.
why didnt you have MSN set as one of the ways to contact you… ?
at least tell me what it is…
you dont need aol to use AIM (wow, owned…)
but seriously… its one of the most prevailantly used IM programs, Id use it or trillian ASAP.
Aol still sucks, (wow owned). Bah that damn word owned dont even make sense. Stop making me use it. Anyways, my msn is Ricardo135. im still gonna be online around 6 to 8 pacific.
All I have to say is that I declare myself champ of this sfa3 tournament. Everyone abandoned it and I had the most wins so thats makes me the winner. LOL