SFA3: Character VC's Reborn

You suck! Lolol, come to Jersey again and play me in A3. I actually play this game alot more now. :eek:

As for a cool looking VC with Gief:

360+K UP CLOSE!!! Not far. When you land do a f+strong and cancel quick as hell into his VC, then do an OTG 360+K. It’s a waste of meter but looks mad hot. :smiley:

If I remember some more, I’ll post later. See ya.

I might come back to Jersey about a year or two from now, but details are still fuzzy.

I’m still working on V Juni but I still use V Juli alot.

Anywhoo, can someone post V Sagat VCs?

VC1 (corner only): Fierce Tiger Uppercut, land, whiffed c. forward, fierce Tiger Uppercut, whiffed c. forward, repeat until VC ends.

Mid Screen: (VC3) Jab Tiger Uppercut, standing fierce, wiffed f.Tiger Knee :REPEAT TILL CORNER: At corner standing fierce, wiffed r.Tiger Shot.

regarding the geif vc, id like to add that the way i see my boy mrvlous_one finish it is wiff a second green glove in da corner and otg grab…
also the corner vega(balrog) combo doesnt need to be vc2 it can be either and in v1 it does a tad more damage but the timing is pretty tight.

can someone tell me the best customs for adon and charlie anti air and ground and which vc to use

I’ve got some VC’s for Ken, I’m not sure if they are all right so someone correct me on these if they are wrong please.

Ken’s basic VC’s

Mid Screen:

VC3 (Activate point blank)JP Dragonpunch, FP, (FP DragonPunch, RK) repeat until corner

Corner Juggle:

VC3 (Activate point blank) JP DragonPunch, (FP, Hadoken) repeat until meter low then FP DragonPunch


VC1: (Point Blank) Hadoken, Standing Close FP, Hadoken, (F+RK, Very Early Cancel Hadoken) Repeat


VC2 (opponent close) crouching MK, RK Tatsumaki repeat
(can be AC’d if opponent is blocking)

Kens cornertrap 100% combo:

Jump-in deep FP(blocked), VC(FP+RK), crouching SK, Hadoken, crouching FK, Hadoken, standing JP,(Jump-in FP, crouching FK, Hadoken, crouching FK, Hadoken, standing JP) repeat until VC at 1% then FP Shoryuken

Roll repeat cross-up trap:

Jump-in activate VC(FP+RK), (during Jump-in deep FP, crouching SK, crouching RK, FP Hadoken, JP roll, jump-in) repeat

How this VC works is, the opponent gets knocked down with crouching RK, Ken then throws a FP Hadoken, rolls, and then jumps forward… normally this would cross-up the opponent, but just as Ken reaches the Apex the opponent gets up and is hit by the Shadow of Kens Hadoken, this pushes them back in front of Ken but they are now facing away from Ken, so Ken gets a free jump-in FP at there back, thus starting the VC again.

Also I think this VC only works against shorter characters, Ken may not be able to get the same results on Zangief for example.

Crouch Cancel Finisher:
(Opponent in air after end of Corner VC) Cancel Hadoken into crouching SP, CC. Jump-up FP, CC. Jump-towards corner RK, CC. Jump away from corner FK, CC. Jump towards corner FP, CC. Jump towards corner FP, Crouching FP, FP Shoryuken

This is the sagat one I use:

VC 3: jab tiger uppercut -> stand fierce -> short tiger crush ->
[stand fierce -> roundhouse tiger crush] until corner, then you can do a variety of things. The easiest one in the corner with vc 3 is whiff sweep -> jab tiger uppercut over and over, but there are a lot of variants. It’ll also work with vc 2 I think, but it doesn’t work the same in the corner.

You can also start this v-ism off of roundhouse tiger crush instead of the tiger uppercut, but tiger crush can be air blocked, so only use it if you need the range.

To be honest sagat’s not very good…his v-ism’s hurt, and they work anywhere on the screen just like Sakura’s, but he can’t poke like Sakura or any of the shotos. On top of that, he doesn’t have a command grab, a hopkick, or anything special like that, so it’s hard to come up with a good confusion v-ism.
His tiger uppercut also has crap priority and speed compared to everyone else’s shoryuken, so don’t be suprised if you start the v-ism and get stuffed or air blocked.
Lastly, he doesn’t have linking jabs or shorts, so you can’t do short short short into a fireball or shouoken or something.

Well V-Sagat did win a Japanese regional tournament, so he can’t be all bad, or maybe the player was just freakishly good with him.
But you can’t really argue with results.

I just wonder where V-Ken sits in relation to V-Sagat
I’ve never heard about any big V-Ken winners

thanks for posting v-ken stuff!


Is this only used for AA or something, cuz when I do the first jab DP the comp flips out?

Sagat may have won a regionals, but in the past Dhalsim, Ryu, and Akuma always seem to dominate national tourneys.
Of course Bas and Daigo play v-akuma, and Daigo also plays V-Ryu. I believe Ohnuki also plays v-akuma, but I don’t remember.

V Ken is considered crap. Basically he’s not as good as either Ryu or Akuma, becaus he can’t do anything the other two can’t do better. Both have better fireballs as well as hurricane kicks. Akuma of course has all the variants on Bas combo, and Ryu is just a better overall character.

Sakura’s ghetto v-ism is universal. Remember, if at any time you are in neutral state your opponent may tech out.

If you land the jab shouoken and wait around or walk around then the comp will tech out. You have to land the shouoken and canel it’s finishing animations into b + fierce, then quickly cancel into her hurricane kick, then cancel again and again and again.
This isn’t like cvs 2 where you can wait around until your opponent falls to the right height.

If you have the B4 tape or the B5 dvd take a look at how John Choi does it. I’ve seen him mess it up maybe once or twice out of all the times I’ve watched him play alpha 3.

I’m bored. BUMP.

some rolento vc’s please !!


could someone post the EASIEST, most PRACTICAL / RELIABLE VCs (that do good reasonable amounts of damage) for the following characters? say u don’t want to learn all of em in depth but want to have something for a random select session…

  • Sodom
  • Balrog
  • Vega
  • Bison
  • Sagat
  • Rolento
  • Blanka

nash’s vc -> cc combo

now, here’s a way get get back the same amount of vc back(40-45%) no matter the side(1p or 2p) with nash. strick timing and good execution needed.

ok. i’ll explain with the corner vc.

vc3, then:
c.lk, lk sommersault, s.hk, c.hp, lk sommersault(whiff), s.hk, c.hp, c.hk(whiff), hk sommersault(3 hits needed, if not, opponent can guard recover after c.mp), hk sommersault(2 hits), c.mp(whiff).

now, the CC part. after the c.mp, you must do a j.mp(it must connect the latest possible, almost on the way down. if it doesn’t, the last part will fail) then do 3 really fast cc j.hp, then do a cc.jump forward hp(thing is, because of the 3 jump hp, you won’t land behind your opponent he is too low to be crossed up. and you must charge down as soon as you jump, timing is very strict. or else, the last sommersault will fail). when you reach the ground, do a c.mp, hk sommersault. voila. 40-45% vc back. you can try other setups for it.


oh, and if a vid is needed, i can do one. just ask me to do so.

nash’s vc -> cc combo

I’d appreciate if you would do one,since you are modifying the entire corner VC.

If it hasnt been posted then i will offer a rolento CC.


VC3=>c.lk=>c.forward kick=>c.fierce super jump strong/fierce and repeat. I know in the arcade this connects but not to sure it does on the DC. Also there is a rolento cc that ohnki did on the B5 DvD. Check his out i like it better then this one if anyone knows then post.

Re: nash’s vc -> cc combo

no i’m not, it’s the same that i use in my vid. but i will do.

power outages are not fun. Let’s try this again:

VC1/2/3 FP scrape (qcf+p), B+FP, whiff FP scrape, [stand RK, whiff JP scrape] until meter runs out, or until you get to the corner. I forget how to turn them around once you get to the corner. Probably in this thread somewhere. VC can be used to blow through projectiles, or as anti-air, or whatever. Won’t beat certain moves though (like Gief’s splash).

VC1/2, [blocked crouch RK, FP scrape] repeat until meter runs out. easier with c.RK, but c.FP is better because they can’t just block high and take the hit. Good GC meter damage. You can actually SPD them with punch at some points, because they’ll be blocking the shadow of something. And if they have a crappy reversal, you can start the VC again when they wake up, and SPD them again. Though I just go for one SPD at the end…

V-Rog sucks. Has like 2 VCs…one is in the corner, and it’s basically just repeated Strong/Fierce headbutts in the corner, I think in VC3. Other is a midscreen CC vc that I forget…counter hit jump jab, cc jumping vc activation, and then cc jump Roundhouses in/to the corner, or something like that.

VC1/2/3 Blocked crouching Roundhouse until meter runs out. Really good GC VC, but most people will just block high eventually, so at that point you either have to have something planned (crossup via c.RK, flipkick and roll, or make them block a shadow, and go for the wall dive, etc), or pull something out of your ass. Works midscreen and corner. You can do the same thing with repeated rolling claws, but it works best in the corner, with VC2 or 3 (VC1 and 2 will actually combo if they hit from the begining).
Other Vega VCs posted by Middlekick on the first page

There’s one I found (that I swear BAS stole), but I haven’t done it in a while…let’s see if I remember…
VC3 B+SP, knee press, [{b+Fp, whiff short knee press}x2, b+FP, whiff RK knee press, neutral standing FP, whiff RK knee press]x2, or something close to it. You may be able to do the [b+FP, whiff Short knee press]x3, but my memory is fuzzy. End with standing fierce, or b+SP xx teleport or f+taunt, or go for an air throw, or something. nice damage, midscreen only. You can start it with b+RK instead of off of a strong or Forward, since that’s the only way it will work vs a few characters (IIRC, Chun Li, though that may have been a range issue).

Other VCs weren’t so great. Two that come to mind or in the corner, VC1/2, [b+SP, whiff knee press], blocked, until your meter runs out. Nice GC, but escapable. I think he actually had something like c.SP, Short knee press in VC3 that may have been a legit corner VC, but did crappy damage. Other VC I remember was in the corner, and went something like VC2 or 3, knee press, [headstomp (end with skull dive)] over and over. Did almost no damage, but it looked cool. BAS had some cool teleport VC in the corner that did good damage, but I’m just listing simple stuff.

VC2/3(?), Jab Tiger Blow (uppercut), standing Roundhouse, [whiff RK tiger crush (knee), standing FP] until corner, then do standing Fp, whiff high tiger shot, standing roundhouse(?), [whiff high tiger shot, standing FP] until meter runs out. I think you can actually turn them around in the corner, and continue the midscreen if you use a fierce Tiger Blow, or something, but I haven’t messed around with it too much. Midcreen, as anti air. Can be started with Tiger Crush to blow through fireballs and stuff.

VC1, repeated low tiger shots in the corner.

Don’t remember the infinite or the setup

Rolento VC has been covered, and I think the cc walk one is somewhere in this thread

Blanka only has a couple VCs…a CC one, which I think is jumping counter hit, CC jump fierce until corner, and then cc jump vertical roundhouse until meter runs out. Other is in the corner, is is really more of a GC VC than anything else…VC1/2/3, [Crouching Short, crouching Forward, crouching Strong, whiff fierce ball], repeat. Fierce ball will whiff on it’s own. Has a few holes in it, but they’re sorta hard to see at first, and you can substitute something for a standing Strong or a crouching Fierce if you want.