SFA2: Hitboxes now available

XD, Hopefully I can do Sak today.

just noticed this thread. a couple of quick notes - most ppl underestimate Dan. In this game, Dan is actually pretty good. Somewhere in the mid-tier. Back in the day, he was definitely better than Dhalsim and Birdie (considered the worst two in the game). GGPO may have changed things. His best CC at lvl 3 is c.roundhouse, rh gale kick, jab dp x2, rh gale kick. The first gale kick brings you close (which makes it a useful max-range CC), the last gale kick connects just as the CC ends.

Also, at Mikado, RanRan and I are the only Dan players. There’re a few vids of mine on youtube, but I mainly use Gief. The vid linked above is against Leonhard, who is probably the best active A2 player at Mikado, so for RanRan to do WELL in that match is an achievement.

Need Chun vs. Rolento tips.

Yeah I tried getting ahold of you awhile back, I been doing the wikis too. I know dan is good in this, I just never liked playing him. Yeah leonhard is sick btw. So punisher, what is the main problem?

I can’t reach the bastard. Darts around the whole screen and I can’t get any hits on him. Also, his knives give me big problems.

With Bison I just jump a lot and try to hit him in the air, but its haphazard at best. With Chun I just have no clue really.

kk cant wait for the Adon guide, been looking at vids at work to see sum general strats. I freakin forgot my laptop charger at work so i had to use my sisters comp to play ggpo n my ps3 controller lagged slightly but that didnt stop me from playin this weekend lol. And the first thing i did today wen i got to work was et my charger n put it in my bag lol fuk dat! hehe

damn yo…u mite not believe me but last night i had a dream dat u posted the adon guide O_O i was all up in dat shit xD lololololol

Adon 101

Adon is pretty good in A2, of course he has a few flaws, but he is blessed with good normals and a awesome cc. When Adon hit, he hits hard.


Great set of normals, c.mp is rose-lite
Custon combos hurt no matter the level
Great set of supers, both safe on block
Long reach
Jag tooth mind game
Awesome anti-airs


Jag kick sucks, free hit or cc on you if you use this except in certain cases
Jag tooth can be cc pretty easily
Sweep is laggy, can be cc

Normals breakdown

s.lp- quick little elbow, alot of characters cant duck it, ok normals not great
s.mp- quick punch, duckable by most peeps, can be cancelled inot specials, decent far anti air s.mp xx hk dp juggles
s.hp- a hard punch similar to shotos, no real use

s.lk- quick shin kick w/ slight frame advantage, good poke up close.
s.mk- a mid hit knee with good priority and limted aa abilities, good poke.
s.rh- Long poke, not duckable, very very good zoning tool

c.lp- low punch with good frame advantage, links into c.mp or c.lk/c.lp
c.mp- Rose-lite. Very abusable poke that stuffs aloooot of moves, and cancelleble. Use like you would Roses, links into itself
c.hp- Very good aa, loooong reach, about the same as s.hp, ver very good poke as well

c.lk- short kick to the foot, hits low, not much frame advantage
c.mk- very good low poke with good range, cancellable
c.rh- long ass sweep, but laggy, cc starter

j.mp- very good air-to-air and jump in
j.hp- slow to some out, but beat almost anything when it is
j.lk- good air-to-air
j.mk- Extremely good cross up, decent jump in
j.hk- Very good jump up or jump back move, with awesome range and priority.

)()()()Command normals()()()(

df+mk- godly anti-air
f+mp- far reaching overhead

Alpha Counter

His Acs arent great, but they arent bad. Very useful tools.

Punch- He does a quick flurry of punches with one hand. Use as close as possible or you will miss most hit, good damage. Very safe on block.

Kick- His dp, use as AA or upclose.


Jag Kick- Very unsafe move, on hit they can still do a cc or c.mk xx special. Only time it is safe is by distance, ex is hitting Ryu’s hand with a mk jag kick at max distance. Mk Jag kick in my experience is the best version to use to punish fireballs, leaving you far away.

Jag tooth- Nice for mind games and safe on block, BUT very easy to cc and alpha counter. Use to make your opponent whiff a move and punish with a cc.

Jag dp- Very very good anti air, I dont think it trades with anything, lk version seems to have the best invincibility.


Jag assault- This move is safe on block and lvl 3, good wake up super. Combo into this after a cross up. Lvl 2 is not safe since he jumps up at the end. Mash kkk at the end of the lvl 3 to get a stronger version, mash ppp if it is blocked.

Jag kick super- Very good move to punish fireballs at lvl 1. Works w/ lvl 2 and 3, but I would cc instead thru the fireball. Use this super to punish c.mk or c.rh xx fireball pokes.

Custom Combos
These ccs can be at any lvl, just watch the meter and end with dp.

  1. c.rh xx lk jag kick xN, end with HK dp

or c.rh xx lk jah kcik x4, lk dp, hk dp

  1. [c.mp xx lk jag kick]xN, s.lk xx hk dp (opponent must be standing)

  2. Lvl 3- c.rh xx [hk jag kick, hk dp]x2

Anti-air ccs

  1. lvl 1- s.lp or s.mp xx hk dp x2

  2. lvl 2 and up- s.lp or s.mp xx lk jag kick xN, hk dp

  3. lvl 3- s.lp or s.mp xx [hk jag kick, hk dp]x2

This is where Adon shines his long limbs let him punish from far away, even blocked fireballs mid screen. To punish from far as hell, use s.rh to start cc #2. Most customs you do should be #1 or #4. Also at lvl 2/3, blow thruw fireballs and cc, pretty much a round winner. After any cc, sweep, if the tech roll you will hit them and get a free jag dp juggle.


All these are point blank or after a cross up.

  1. c.mp, c.mp
  2. c.lp, c.lk xx jag assault
  3. c.lk, or s.mp xx jag dp

General Gameplay

You wanna force your opponent to mess up and punish hard. His cross up is very good, and should be done after any knock down. Adon want to zone the oppoent and be smart with jag tooths to make them jumpy. c.mp is your friend, but dont under use his other normal cause they are very good, especially c.mk, c.fp, s.rh. His over head had good range but use sparingly since it is slow and can be cc, best used after knocking them down. Just remember hit hard, alway look for a opening to land his cc.

More set-ups and info to come

Crap I forgot i didnt do sak yet XD

These guides will get updates by the way, whenever I can get to it.

Stage lag, it sucks. Basically certain stages lag during super or cc. Super isnt a big deal but custom combos are. The following Stages have severe stage lag:




The other stages are pretty good, but Best stage seem to be Ryu and Gens since there isn’t anything going on in the stage.

Stage select:

Press start on the characters portrait before you select your character.

Special Stages:

Hold start on Bison or Sagat, and continue to hold start and pick your character.

One more thing, if you guys want i can record my matches and link them, as well as some other solid player we have on ggpo.

nice i like the adon stuff u posted, rlly interesting, helped me refresh my mind n learn a few things =D

btw, i was playin sum dude one day and after a lot of fights where we kept goin bak and forth at eachother he got bored i guess n told me sumthin like “hope you have fun doin that jag kick into cc, or dp because offline that dsnt work” (i have a screen shot of this btw), i knw i dsnt combo into is, but believe me that its a nice setup even tho its basic for an adon payer to use it to backup his jag kick (unless hes at a safe range).

one thing is that i gotta improve is doin random jag kicks lol or in better words, stop using it as if it was a fireball lol to put preasure on the oponent. that causes me to get punished wen used at a close distance.

btw i also noticed that wen i do a cross over wit j.mk n they block i usually put in 1 or 2 hits which pushes the oponent away a bit at a distance safe enough for me to connect the a rh.jag kick and leave me at a safe distance where shodos (or most chars) cant c.mp or c.mk me into combo.

i also gotta be more patient wen fighting shodos that wait the shit out of u, popping fire balls occasionally n dificult to predict,but hey i guess its a matter of time to get used to, i usually do best wen i fight agressive players like myself.

but so far so good man with the Adon 101 hehe keep it up!

jag kick is always punishable by cc or super except in certain cases. Do a lk jag vs someone good and you are getting comboed. jag into cc doesnt work vs people who know how to punish it.

i knw that for a fact that it can be punished lol been experiencing it a lot, but now im tryin to play doin less jag kicks n tryin to punish fireballs more. Even tho its redicioulus hwo in occasions even tho i connect the jag kick i STILL can get punished…any idea whys that? is it only good on counter hit? o.o

There’s no increased hit-stun for a counter hit in SFA2. The opponent simply recovers before Adon, even if he hits or has the kick blocked.

damn…epic lameness =(
o well thats not gonna stop me from using him as my main anyways, ill jus hav 2 abuse sumthin else sumhow.

sodom stage lags? i havent had exp that yet. but on birdies hell yea and chunlies.weird how the sagat vs ryu one doesnt lag and mah shit going on there, plus good music lol

Akuma 101 by doujinshi

Overhead - f+mp
Dive kick - while jumping, d+mk at peak of jump
Hop kick - f+mk

Go Hado Ken (fireball)- QCF+any punch
Zanku Hado Ken (air fireball)- QCF+any punch while jumping
Go Shoryu Ken (dp) - F, D, DF+ any punch
Shakunetsu Hado Ken (red fireball)- HCB+any punch
Tatsumaki Zanku Kyaku (hurricane)- QCB+any kick
Zenpo Tenshin (roll)- QCB+any punch
Ashura Senku (teleport)- F, D, DF or B, D, DB+ 3k or 3p
Hyakki Shu (demon flip) QCF, U+any punch
Hyakki Fo Zan (slide)- Do nothing after demon flip.
Hyakki Go Shu (demon flip punch)- Press punch during demon flip
Hyakki Go Sen (demon flip kick)- Press kick during demon flip
Hyakki Go Sai (demon flip throw)- Press f+punch during demon flip when close to opponent
Hyakki Go Tsui (demon flip throw)- Press f+kick during demon flip when close to airborne or grounded opponent

Messatsu Go Hado - HCBx2+punch
Messatsu Go Shoryu - QCFx2+punch
Tenma Go Zanku - While jumping QCFx2+punch
Shun Goku Satsu (Raging Demon) st.lp, lp, f+lk, hp LEVEL 3 ONLY

st.lk is a good normal to use up close when pressuring since it has a small advantage afterwards.

cr.mp is an all around good poke and works waell when you’re trying to AC reversal AC happy players. Also works OK as a meaty.

cr.mk is standard shoto low medium that can cancel into fireballs. Essential poke when playing foot games.

cr.hk is also a staple shoto normal. Can cancel and is essential poke when playing foot games. Knocks down.

Use the dive kick to start your offense. If blocked, it leaves you at a slight advantage so use it to get in.

Overhead is great every now and then to throw off your opponent from blocking right as they’re waking up.

cr.hp is a really good anti-air for somer eason in this game. It stuffs a lot of stuff clean but it doesn’t beat everything. Do not substitute this for a dp. Use this to stop crossups on top of you.

st.mp is OK as an anti-air but there are better options.
Hopkick is good for keeping the pressure on the ground but it leaves you at a disadvantage on recovery.

AC Punch - Works good against jump-ins done early. Do not use this to replace a dp because opponents will be able to block if their attack is done deep.

AC Kick - Useful for punishing ground attacks and some projectiles when done close. This is the AC you should be using mostly.

Lvl 1- cr.hk, lp shoryu, hp red fireball, hp shoryu
Lvl 1 (sweep distance)- cr.hk, lk hurricane, hp red fireball, hp shoryu
Lvl 1 anti-air - st.lp, lp shoryu, hp red fireball, hp shoryu
Lvl 3 - cr.hk, lp shoryux3, hp red fireball, hp shoryu

Akuma plays like a mix of Ryu and Ken. He can zone with fireballs like Ryu or he can be in your face attacking like Ken. Due to the amount of normals he has though, Akuma is best played aggressively. A good opening to start off his offense on the ground is cr.lkx2. From this, it can lead to a couple of options:
Option 1: cr.lkx2, throw (if blocked)
Option 2: cr.lkx2, fireball (if not blocked)
Option 3: cr.lkx2, do nothing momentarily then walk up to repeat with a different option.
Since Akuma has access to a roll type move it works in the same way Ken can use it. The best version to use is the lp version. It’s fast and leaves you at an advantage when you add it at the end of your block strings. However, you want to establish a mid-range game early on with properly placed fireballs and air fireballs to kind of “feel” out the match. One of the objects of Akuma’s game is to land that custom combo. It’s very damaging and can turn the tide of the match.

Akuma works best when the opponent is in the corner and when the opponent is knocked down. After this you can begin a series of mixups:

  • Do nothing, if you suspect your opponent will wakeup and punish accordingly
  • Begin a series of block strings, beginning with cr.lkx2
  • Jump straight up, air fireball
  • Overhead

When you’re playing Akuma, always always be thinking about trying to land that cc.

Akuma combos and other goodness:

  1. c.lk, c.lk xx shoryureppa
  2. c.mk xx lk hurricane, lvl 1 shoryureppa
  3. c.mk xx lk hurricane, hp dp
  4. c.rh xx lk hurricane, activate, [lp dp, red fireball]xN
  5. air hurricane, hurricane or dp
  6. c.rh xx hk hurricane
  7. c.rh xx lk hurricane, lp dp
  8. c.lk x3 xx hk hurricane

AA Custom at lvl 2 or higher

s.lp xx [lp dp, red fireball]xN, end with hp dp

Other lvl 3 ccs:

c.rh xx hp dp, lp dp, lk hurricane, red fireball, hp dp

c.rh xx [lp dp, red fireball]xN, end with hp dp

lvl 1 cc:

s.mp xN, xx lp dp x3

s.mk is a real good anti cross up
buffer s.mp into a fireball when anti-airing
Raging Demon sucks
Dive kick has great priority

I got alot more to add but its late