If Vega isn’t in, my likelihood of buying is way, way lower. If he isn’t, the only way I’ll buy is if Urien AND Makoto are in. Then, maybe.

New trailer with Nash. Bison appears in the end of video. There is still hope for Vega!

Yes! Bison is in! Although we have seen games where Bison was in and Vega&Balrog was not, I sure hope this doesn’t turn out to be one of those.
I can’t really imagine creating such a unique char and not putting it in your every game of the series.

I started training Chunli 2 months ago because of fearing Vega will not be in SFV



Train Bison instead. He has similar style kick pokes and SK instead of RCF, plus DR and Head Stomp instead of FBA. Shit wake up game, too! He’s similar enough that if Vegs doesn’t make it, I can play Bison. I might start hitting training room in SF4 with him.

I want to see fellow Vega players’ opinions. Command char players love negative edge it seems.

Um, no thanks. I like -edge. My execution problems are not because of -ege that’s for sure.

I do not see the launch roster exceeding 16. We already have:


All original and 1 alpha, this leads me to believe that there are limited spots remaining for the originals. Will our beloved Mask and Claw make the cut? I have a hard time seeing the originals make up more than half of the cast so I see him having to be 1 of the next 4 originals to make it in. I don’t see him ahead of Sagat, Cammy, Guile, and as much as it pains me to type this name…Blanka. With that said all I have is hope that our beautiful narcissist makes the cut.

Believe it or not, I actually think he will be in the game.
They obviously want every char to feel very different and unique. Vega is already the most different char from his background, his attire to his fighting style and personality. It would be idiotic to leave him out in a game where you want every char to feel very different from the others. He will be in this game.

Nash is another version of Guile, so I don’t think Guile might be in this game for a while

I wouldn’t mind a Claw hybrid. Something like the Charlie Nash / Decapre design.

Along the lines of Fallen Balrog (Gunspike/Cannon Spike)


but less goth/emo lol.

I believe he’ll make SFV. I also believe he’ll be top tier again. With the way the game is looking, rushdown won’t be as dominant a playstyle as it is in SFIV. That was Vega’s weakness, given he had little escape options and no DP. Apparently, after listening to some commentary on the game, this game will focus less upon links, execution, etc (nerfing rushdown), and focus more on other aspects of a fighting game (As Third Strike did) like normals, for example (Birdie’s normals are incredible. A player with normals that good can’t be found in SFIV, so that says a lot about where they’re heading with this game). Not saying normals aren’t good in SFIV haha, and Vega has great normals.

Vega’s special moves will also more than likely be improved. That being said, the only special moves of his that are consistently reliable are his Wall Jump and EX SHC (mix-ups, goes through fireballs, etc). I’d also prefer a DP instead of Scarlet Terror. He needs better special moves, but otherwise I think he’ll be good in this.

So, I just read today that they’re removing close and far normals. You’ll get one set of buttons, and proximity won’t matter. No longer shall we get a close move we can do nothing with when we wanted a far move that we can link! Just as an example since I’m sure all that stuff won’t be the same, anyway.

If Vega does make it in this game, he will definitely be in the top tier. Even if he had shit specials and no reversal. Doesn’t matter, because pokes will be glorious and every character has a reversal mechanic via alpha counter. No more stupid hard links, too!

grain of salt people

I really want this to be real. As if Vega was not enough it also has Eagle. Although I won’t touch anyone else other than Vega, he is my second favourite. It also has currently the most wanted char, Karin. Perfection would be if Q was also in.

But internet has taught me never to believe such things until I see that rose pedal floating down on a black background while we hear a sinister laugh at the end of a trailer Capcom released.

I’m hoping that Vega will get a good amount of character development in SFV. I would also like to see more of his backstory revealed, plus his relationship with Cammy should be fleshed out a lot more. I’m very sure that he has feelings for her (but he doesn’t want to admit it).

I really wouldn’t like to see such a relationship. In fact, no relationship for him. It doesn’t suit him.

Damn it if this is real I still can’t play Tekken 7 seriously. If Claw wouldn’t make it, I would have no problem to let this game pass. But now…

Just when I thought was out… They pull me back in. Damn you Capcom!

We won’t find out if “leak” has any validity for another 9 months. I’m not going to sharpen my claw just yet. Until then you can find me in the bull ring.