SF5 Lounge: Idom Wins. Only Poison is Woman enough for Capcom Cup

Funny how Gill’s V-Skill is actually named how the Japanese call Parry in 3S, where as Blocking is Guarding


How is the balrog vs zeku matchup?

So… What are the odds we can run a quick set?



If I wasn’t at work, I’d be asking the same thing :wink:


Might as well, I’m just donating points to everybody right now.

I don’t like Y Zeku, he’s an ass hat to play against for Balrog.

I much prefer the Zeku players that stay as the old man.

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I feel pretty much the same. I can handle old head zeku but young form is another story lol. Which reminds me @Pertho we need to play again.



I would be willing to mod you lot, with iron fist of course.

I can’t tell how much better gills is than ryu’s.

If he would have VT cancelled the parry and punished I’d have a better idea.

It also doesn’t look like you have to parry low or high manually like I was seeing people say earlier

Hos is a contol gender neutral? :laughing:
Also, that shit looks unconmfortable as hell

You have to parry high and low it’s in his move list.


Ah got ya, with that caveat then it should be much better than ryu’s. Especially if you can get CC’d

RISE|K-Brad is posting on SRK. Cool.

I think Zeku beats Balrog overall like 5.5/4.5 if by that much. There are just certain ranges where Zeku has massive problems dealing with Rog. Zeku is kinda goofy.


So Yumi has Rekkas, she got a full set of Rekkas and High/Low off of them, she can even dashcancel them and only the first input requires a motion.
What was Capcoms excuse for not having actuall Rekkas again?

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They hired a guy who can’t finish games and tasked him with finishing movesets.

Of course shit is borked.


The main takeaway from this is that his voiceline restarts every time he cancels into it.

This gonna be hilarious.