SF4 PC vs 360 online possible?

Hello all,

Just a quick question, can PC SF4 players play against 360 players online?

I’m asking this because I was thinking about picking up a 360 for playing SSFIV online since it doesn’t lag as much as the ps3, but after Capcom’s SSFIV AE announcement for the PC, I was wondering if playing against 360 players could be an option, because that would save me a lot of money (my PS3 TE already works on my PC).


Thanks for replying.

Just posted on eventhubs:

That just crushed any hope I had for AE to be cross platform compatible…, this really blows =(

Oh well, guess I’ll have to find some cheap 360 and try to dual mod my TE stick, will be getting the PC version anyway.

Why mod it? I figured the x360 sticks will work on the PC by default. It works for their pads.

360 TE Stick works with PC

I meant that I’d get a 360 console and dual mod my PS3 TE stick to work on both ps3/360, my PS3 TE works on my PC now just fine too. I might end up just getting a new 360 TE stick as well though since the whole soldering process seems tedious, having a couple of TE sticks around might interest my brother to step up his game from his current mash anything you can with Ken status lol.

It would’ve been cool to play PC vs 360/PS3!

Most definitely that it would be cool! BlazBlue has it, I really wonder why Capcom is so lazy to implement it. After all GWFL was advertised with cross platform play…

That would cause confusion to other games, especially if you own both platforms. Eg i was sent an invite from a guy to play the xbox version of ssf4, while i had only the pc ae.i met him in a cross-platform game of blazblue ct.