Have you been to the SF4 forums? Yes, you have…do you want to go back?
Yeah, exactly. But you know what, barely anyone comes into the CvS2 section anymore…and the people that do come generally know a lot about the game.
…and I will submit that there is a correlation between CvS2 knowledge and just plain ol’ Street Fighter knowledge. Perhaps this thread can be a sanctuary for advanced tips and tactics for those of us who tire of wading through the garbage…
Anyway, let me start off with a tip.
Sagat has DP x FADC High Step Kick, Ultra. I used to always dash behind my opponent during the FADC and could never figure out why…until I realized I kept holding forward on the stick. I need to go to neutral for a few milliseconds before going into the High Step Kick. Now I can do it every time…
Who are you? How did you find this place? Who sent you? Did someone link this thread elsewhere? Do other people (the unwashed masses of the SF4 forums) know about this thread? Well crap, fun while it lasted!
If there’s a new secret location someone plz PM me kthxbai
lol i feel your pain man, I roll when I’m trying to grab, and I try to ultra when i trade dps wit sagat, so fustrating. i really miss cvs2 tourneys, i need to move to japan.
damn sony needs to make it possible to play cvs2 on the ps3 and online >.< fucken dirty hookers
hey OP, this thread was initially a good idea…let me know if you find another hiding place.
In the meantime…random claw strat: lvl 1 FA has good range and then cancels into stupid fast forward dash -> throw for sleeping people.