Yeah I don’t know how you guys do it. I mean, I really don’t. I just played a player match with a guy who supposedly had 5 bars for like 10 minutes, and I got so frustrated that I just had to leave. It’s harder to punish and harder to guess online, and that means that guessing is more viable. Who cares if you do a dragon punch in footsies, I mean what, is the other gonna hurt you for it? No, he can’t. I was playing Gouken against a Ryu just now who was doing that, and of course I couldn’t punish him unless I guessed in advance that he was going dragon punch. If this had been offline, I would have taken off minimum 1/3 life each time, free, but I literally can’t online. So, why not guess your lights out? The regular space-control game is reduced to me guessing whether he’ll dp and him guessing whether I’ll have an attack out.
And the fact that guessing is so important leads people to play as if guessing is the only thing, as if learning and conditioning didn’t come into play. So like I punished this guy’s guessed dragon punch with a gigantic Gouken combo for 50% of his life a couple times (when I predicted it), but did that make him think about doing it again the next time? No, of course not. Guessing isn’t about risk v reward for these guys, it’s just about the coin-flip mixup, plain and simple.
It’s just not a fun or interesting game online. If your opinions about SF4 have been formed by its online version, well, I’m really sorry, because you’re missing out on a great experience.
Street fighter doesn’t work, or any fighting game for that matter, unless both players understand the various counters and ways to escape different moves and set ups. Otherwise a pro player will get hit by stupid stuff because they aren’t used to people doing things that don’t make sense. The pro player is also not able to condition a player in any way.
It’s kinda like when I play football games with my brother. I don’t attempt to be good at these games. I just choose a play, any play, and if I see a guy open I pass to them. On defense I just choose any play, doesn’t matter, and I choose one of the linemen and go to where I think he’s going to throw the ball to try to swat it. Of course I lose, but on some occasions he’ll say something like “ha! tricked you”, like he tricked me into something by doing a string of plays, and the truth of the matter is that yes he did get me but he didn’t do it by tricking me into picking some defensive play or offensive play because I was going to choose that play regardless. Also sometimes since I choose random offensive plays I’ll actually get first downs and touchdowns more easily than some of his hardcore football fan friends online which he can hold to below 10 most games.
In my first day online,I did lose against flowchart scrubs because of the mindless play and stupidity took me by surprise.Trying to get something going and I eat a mindless shoryuken out of nowhere.The worst was standing next to an opponent and eating a wake up shoryuken over and over again.This is like one of the first thing you learn as to what not to do when playing against someone.It took me by surprise to go back to beginner level SF. :lol:
Some people will never learn and keep being punished by big damaging combos after screwing up over and over again.
Yeah I don’t know how you guys do it. I mean, I really don’t…
I don’t do it, which is the problem. I quit playing months ago and though I don’t miss it (because it’s not fun - see below), I am always going to be disappointed because I wanted so badly to love this game. After over 100 hours online, I just gave up.
There’s the main rub, it’s just not fun. I could get over my distaste for Ultras, or get used to ridiculous move short-cuts. I could learn to deal with the balance issues. However, I just can’t accept the game as it exists online since all of those issues are magnified during online play. From the terrible matchmaking and the lag, to the online-only community being crap, I just don’t have fun playing online. The examples you gave are just the tip of the iceberg.
I tell you, if I win the lottery I’m opening a damn arcade. I can’t believe that it’s so un-profitable to operate a modern arcade in a huge city. I live in Chicago and don’t know of any arcades that have a SF4 cabinet. Sure I could dig up some fans and find a meet-up at someones house, but it’s just not the same.
QFT. I notice characters who like to punish do well on Live. I can beat anybody playing scrub Blanka and just upballing jump ins, but when I play Abel and try to be aggressive, I eat srk’s through block strings that are supposed to be safe. You don’t really feel that off, but there’s that split second that comes before each move that really fucks up you game. It’s nice that I live a hour away from AI. At least there I know I lose to people who are genuinely better than me.
welcome to online sf…same damn thing trying to play 3s on ggpo. you have to do everything early which leads to guess heavy gameplay that devalues risk/reward, and therefore the learning experience.
As far as the “one Ultra per round” complaint goes, I believe that this how is the developer fully intended it to be. I remember an early interview with Mr. Ono regarding the game mechanics in which he describes the ultra as a sort of a balancing feature. His intention was that ultras were in the game to give even a losing player a chance to make a comeback, as he wanted to avoid the slippery slope of the winning player alone being earning high-damage moves like supers, while the losing player could struggle to build meter. He wanted losers to have if not a real fighting chance, then at least a flashy looking counterattack. The gauge isn’t referred to as the “Revenge” meter for no reason.
This is also shown by the FA, or “saving” attack. He saw it as an attack that could possibly absorb a hit and allow a player to strike back and create an opening or to relieve pressure, to “save” himself, as it were.
Now of course, players of SF have quite possibly gone beyond his original intentions and may not agree with his design decisions, but everyone should be able to grasp that what we are able to do in the game now was probably not 100% foreseen by the designers.
The oild heads just know that its either coming or that Capcom doens’t care. MvC2 was never tweaked outside of the console release for XBox, but the other franchsies each got ‘3 resets’. I’m clamoring for tweaks simply in hopes of variations in who I fight online. I could careless about tourny play as its a rare occurence compared to getting home from work and going at it.
YEah I admit I’m one of those 90% online guys, I play it likes its an ‘offline’ game and it makes me look so scrubby because I have such difficulty tech throwing and reversing things. This one guy opened up with a jump, two c.wk and then thru me…then was shocked I didn’t tech or anything, proceeded to think he was better than me then bowed out after I won the next 8 matches shrug
I’ve struggled to play online simply because I try and think thigns out as opposed to guess…you’d be surrpsied how often you eat dumbshit…expecting ‘more’ from the comp hehe.
I sadly agree its too dry the game lost its luster to me when I found out that the only way to survive is to turtle until you see a flaw in your opponents offense. This is the only street fighter game that rewards you for failure . I mean this game bores me to tears its just so badly put together unlike SF3 and SFA the storyline makes no since , The majority of the new characters feel out of place , for instance a Tekken fighter , King of Fighter , a Racist Lucha Libre, Fedor Emelianko , Gouken, and an Urien wannabee is wack. Instead of answering the plotholes of alpha and sf2 we get more questions like what is abel, how many seths are their,
Why is rufus so fat yet fast as fei long, Does C.Viper have a family. I mean the game seems like the real Sf2 Hd Beta . The game is wack as hell and continuing writing about is just depressing
Yeah but I have fought against nonturtlers and the match usually ends by way of ultra which to me is the crappiest game element of all time you can actually lose due to you winning I mean what is that this is what fighting games have come to . I remeber back in the day with the older titles if you are down to the last bars of health you either fought smartter and won or you died trying there was no fancy meter that pities you. SF4 is a cheap cash in by Ono and friends to get the people who loved sf2 but never played anyother street fighter to comeback to the series again. In my opinion this game was underdeveloped they grabbed whatever characters they could comeup with and started flinging them into the game. I am street fighter purist and to be honest sf3 is a better game than sf4 is
lol no offense buddy but if thats your ‘only way to survive’ then youre probably not that good at the game.
generally speaking i think most people who whine about this game being ‘dry’ are the ones that arent that good at the game OR dont want to take the time to become good at the game.