sf3 xbox live

If im not mistaken, I think the xbox version of street fighter anniv. collection has sfa3 on it, and it has online right?

Well I never played sf3, and im buying this to get the chance eventually, and if the online works, does anyone still play it?

im asking because whether or not people play online will dictate when I actually buy the game.

It’s more practical to play it online with GGPO. I think some people play it online though (xbox).

Stick to ggpo. They have more players.

This is incorrect, there are no Alpha games on anniversary collection. Anniversary collection for ps2 and xbox only has HSFII and 3s. The only recent game with Alpha 3 on it was sf alpha anthology for the ps2… and that game does not have online capabilities.

I’m pretty sure the only way to play Alpha 3 online is through ggpo, like everyone else has stated.

There is hardly any players on xbox live it’s not worth it

Not to mention that the netcode is a bag of shite.

you can play this on the xbox 360 too right?

Yea, but the backwards compatibility has a lot of glitches, slowdowns, etc.