SF newbie/ Laura help

First off, I have had SFV for probably about a year now but never really got into it. However I always liked he flashy moves of SF so I am looking to get into it. My big issue is that I have issues pulling off combos when it uses the QCF, QCB, etc. I was using the joystick on my controller, but read that it could be easier using the d-pad (I play on PS4). Either way its still for some reason a bit challenging for me.

Secondly, I am currently learning Laura and I am doing her Challenge trials and I am stuck on her 7th one. For 2 days now I have not been able to pass it. There are times when I should have but the last input shows red. I have to do a Jump HK-Standing HP-QCB LP-QCF QCF K. A lot of the time I get all but the last inputs and when I do get the last input in it just goes red. It is driving me crazy. I don’t want to skip it because then I am learning nothing. My thumb will start to hurt from the amount of tries I do.

It’s all preference, but a lot of people find success with the dpad over the analogues. That said, I know people that can instant-air teleport with dhalsim on the analogue sticks…so anythings possible.

I’d recommend starting at the back of the combo and working forward. So, do the super. Then LP ClapxxSuper. Then HP, LP ClapxxSuper. This means even if there repetition, you’re getting practice at the most tense part of it.