SF IV Online Impressions

Its something like you lose a percentage of your total points and gain a percentage of their total points.

If you have a high amount of BPs and you lose to someone who has much less than you, you’ll lose a lot more BPs. You lose BP according to how many both of you have. Say you have 2000bp and you beat someone with 50bp, you’ll only earn like 1 bp. However if you have 50bp and you beat someone with 2000, you get 100+bp.

i understand the basic concept of losing more points and gaining more points based on the difference of bps, but i wanted to learn the actual formula used.

Mind tellin me how much different that will be from SF4 now? Is there anywhere where I can read up on this?

EDIT: Never mind, I found it right here.

So, has there been anyone that ever played/seen full bar connection? Game’s been out for a while now so there has to be some. Anyone with fiber optics internet connection or something? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’ve gotten a few full bars but those were from friends like literally down the street from me with Verizon Fios and TimeWarner Extreme. From what i’ve experienced you only need about 3 bars for the game to be stable while 2 is pushing it. Today I got a no bars that I was able to get like no lag from…kinda weird…
Tooooooo many freaking Kens and Ryus though and Sagat players that can’t properly use Sagat.

19 times out of 20 or so, I try to connect to a game and it says UNABLE TO PLAY (FAGGOT), or something less exaggerated. Do I need to forward ports or something because I feel like it happens way too freaking much.

Also, all Xbox people tell me they fight Kens all day. On the PS3 I hardly fight Kens. And it’s funny because I use Ken all the time. It’s like the PS3 is opposite land.

Pictures of the legendary 5 bar or it didn’t happen! :rofl:

Sirlin critiques SFIV (must read)


I totally agree with him.

WTF is with all of this ‘Failure to connect’ bullshit?


For some reason i like the intro music.