SF IV Fightstick TE or equivalent?


I’m looking to get a pair of heavy duty arcade controllers. I’m looking to preorder the SFIV Mad Catz but was wondering if there was anything else comparable to this in terms of quality, durability, and reliability? I used to own arcade sticks when Street Fighter 2 came out on the SNES and the experience is that much greater for us. That being said, it seems that there are 6 leaders in this category for the PS3:

  1. The X-Arcade Solo Arcade Joystick: http://www.xgaming.com/solo.shtml
  2. The Salaubi 4k Arcade Stick: http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-1i-49-en-70-22b8.html
  3. Arcade In-A Box Controller: http://www.aiabstore.com/category.sc?categoryId=9
  4. The Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 Fighting Stick: http://www.amazon.com/Playstation-Real-Arcade-Fighting-Stick-3/dp
  5. The upcoming Hori Street Fighter IV Fighting Stick(similar to #4): http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-zl-49-en-70-36ak.html
  6. The upcoming Madcatz official Streetfighter IV Fightstick Tournament Edition: http://www.amazon.com/Street-Fighter-FightStick-Tournament-Playst

Obviously, no one has tested the Madcatz(How have their past products been? ) sticks since it hasn’t been out yet. But I was wondering if anbody has had any experience with any of the other companies and Arcade controllers whether it be for the PS3 or any other systems. I’m looking for quality, durability, playability and reliability. Thank you for any feedback.

This…this is the only one that matters.

That stick could survive nuclear meltdown.

Not to mention, it feels like its been removed from a old cabinet, so its very heavy duty.

Edit: also, I reccomend this { http://www.aiabstore.com/category.sc;jsessionid=C13EBE8E89CEF85549764597FD898F27.qscstrfrnt04?categoryId=14 } over just a PS3 stick, and 3 reasons why:

  1. PS3 and 360/windows compat
  2. you go to a tourament, your set. No matter which version of a game is being played, your good to go.
  3. If you do ever get a 360, you wont have to buy another stick

The Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 SA edition seems to be the equivalent to the Fightstick TE as I heard it uses Sanwa buttons .

but I too would rather go with Arcade in a Box for all the same reasons as Tim stated.

I’ll try to be brief

Don’t buy this unless you want to mod them with real arcade parts (happ competition/IL euro stick being the best choice) and a decent PCB. Adapter for PS3 (and any other console) from X-gaming suck. A cehap alternative would be emailing them to get an empty box so that you can buy and put together your own stick.

Another “don’t get unless you’re willing to mod” stick

Great sticks, highly recommended, it’s basically like getting a custom stick.

Overall a nice stick, most people don’t like the stock Hori buttons and swap them with real Sanwa or Seimitsu buttons, nothing difficult to achieve.

Will probably at least be as decent as the HRAP3, not sure about the final product yet, but the overall HRAP line has been always very solid an easy to mod.

Looks promising, I already pre-ordered mine.

That being said, it’s all somewhat subjective since personal opinion will somehow take place.


I’m looking to get a pair of heavy duty arcade controllers. I’m looking to preorder the SFIV Mad Catz but was wondering if there was anything else comparable to this in terms of quality, durability, and reliability? I used to own arcade sticks when Street Fighter 2 came out on the SNES and the experience is that much greater for us. That being said, it seems that there are 6 leaders in this category for the PS3:

  1. The X-Arcade Solo Arcade Joystick: http://www.xgaming.com/solo.shtml "

The X-Arcade Solo Arcade Joystick is also one of these “fat boys” which is really very strong.
Problem with X arcade : it comes with an “american flavor”; you will have to mod it by yourself, if you like Japanese style (it’s my case, I have changed the joystick for Sanwa)…
You can plug this joystick with anything (sadly not with a XBXO 360 for the moment…) but you will have to buy the proper adaptor.

I like the shape of this joystick… even If I play with The Hori Real Arcade Pro, from time to time …

“6. The upcoming Madcatz official Streetfighter IV Fightstick Tournament Edition” : I really recommend you to wait for reviews or updates… I had a bad experience with Madcatz company… Even If it’s trough that a company can try to improve their products .
But the price tag is the same as a HRAP … and I know the quality of the parts inside the joystick + the quality of the “box” of the HRAP.

When I see the “opening” of the Madcatz official Streetfighter IV Fightstick Tournament Edition box on Youtube…
… well I hope Madcatz didn’t spend all the money in a nice and flashy cardboard box !!!

For a perfect stick either get a Madcatz TE stick or commission a custom stick builder from here:


I already pre-ordered a TE stick from lizardlick, if you don’t want to wait a few months for your custom stick to be completed then I suggest you do the same.

The HRAP3 stick is great, I got one a couple of months ago. As others have said the Hori buttons are not too great, but you can easily swap them out with Sanwa or Seimitsu push buttons.

However…I will also be purchasing the Mad Catz TE stick for xbox360. I like the design, and you can never have too many sticks. :slight_smile:

It should be mentioned that the MadCatz TE Stick uses full Sanwa parts.

It’s basically a carbon copy of the Street Fighter IV Vewlix Arcade panel, right down to the same button spacing / placement.

As for actual hands on impressions.


Those comments pretty speak for themselves.

thanks and much appreciation for the feedback! it helped me a lot.

i narrowed my options down to the Madcatz TE Fightstick, Arcade-in-a-Box, or possibly a custom built stick. I was also interested in the xgaming solo but it looks like it will not be available for sometime. the custom built sticks look interesting but i’m worried about warranty.

i’m pretty much looking at either the Madcatz TE or the Arcade-in-a-Box. The Madcatz TE is an official Capcom certified stick with quality parts and highly regarded for those who already got some hands on with it. The AIAB also has quality parts and I like the fact that I can choose which parts I want. it also is built like a tank and has a great reputation. which would you choose between the two?

i already preordered two of the Madcatz TE for fear of it’s limited availibility. but can easily cancel it for an Arcade-in-a-Box Stick.

thanks again!

Why not simply get one of each.

Consider this, you already are likely to pay $150 x 2 = $300 for the MadCatz TE sticks.

If you hold off and only get 1 TE and also a AIAB, you can get the best of both.

Also the AIAB stick is likely to be only $20 to $30 more then the TE stick if you choose the Sanwa stick and parts route. The real benefit of the AIAB sticks is that they are made from wood, which is very very durable. Essentially the AIAB sticks are custom sticks.

Also the MadCatz TE stick is going to be according to MarkMan in very limited quantities. You may do your self benefit to this by having a AIAB stick, find that the TE stick is not as good in your opinion, and sell the TE Stick at an after market value (due to parts and rarity, you could easily sell it and make a profit on it, some retail sticks such as the Street Fighter Anniversary Stick is a fine example of a retail stick being sold for more then the original price)

In the end, it’s entirely your decision on what you want to do.

Also factor that AIAB lets you custom tailor the stick to your own preferences (American or Japanese parts, or a mix of both such as an American Stick with Japanese buttons or vice versa, it’s VERY nice having that kind of flexibility)

hi all, instead of starting a new thread, i’ll continue here…

first of all, thanks for all your feedback! i ended up preordering 2 TE Fightsticks for PS3 from amazon and it won’t be shipped until 2/25. i’m fine with waiting because that gives me time to hear feedback from people who already got their sticks. so now i’m thinking of cancelling my order mainly because of the 90 day warranty vs. limited lifetime warranty of the arcade in a box. i will continue to read the forums regarding the TE sticks. i already know that AIAB owners are happy w/ their sticks.

your thoughts? thanks again!