SF 25th Tourney - ST in LA this Saturday - PreReg ends TONIGHT 12 PST

IMPORTANT NOTE: TONIGHT is the last chance to lock in a slot through pre-registration online. Pre-reg is $5, but you will get the money back if you show up. (they just do it so you’ll show up)

If you DON’T pre-reg, there will still be some slots open at the venue to sign up the day of the tournament, the slots are also FREE but are limited in number.

Go here for pre-reg:
Once there, click on “sign up”

====Tournament Information====

The Proud Bird
11022 Aviation Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90045

Date: October 20, 2012 - October 21, 2012

Format: Single Player, 2/3 Rounds, 2/3 Games

Game Version: PlayStation 3, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix, Classic Mode

If you’re in Southern California, head on over and join in or check it out. If you’re outside SoCal, check out the action on the Stream. (http://www.twitch.tv/capcomunity)

The Top 16 finishers will get cash. The top two spots will win a paid trip to the USA Grand Final in San Francisco, CA on December 8th. Award payouts are as follows:

1st $1,250 + Qualifier slot + Trip
2nd $750 + Qualifier slot + Trip
3rd $350
4th $300
5th-6th $200 each
7th-8th $150 each
9th-12th $87.50 each
13th-16th $75 each

Every entrant gets a free t-shirt

Tournaments will be capped at 256 players

Stream URL: http://www.twitch.tv/capcomunity



Twitter: https://twitter.com/Capcom_Unity

Full Schedule

7:00AM: Venue Opens
7:00AM-10:00AM: On-site registration
10:00AM-1:00PM: Bracket generation / Casual play
1:00PM-6:00PM: Down to 32 players for all games
6:00PM-9:00PM: Quarterfinals begins, Top 32 -> Top 4 for ST

9:30AM: Venue Opens
9:30AM-10:00AM: Casual Play / Practice
10:00AM: Top 4 begins for ST
6:00PM: Tournament ends

Other SF games will be there as well in case you want to spectate or participate. The other games are:
SF3 3S
SFxT 1v1

time to rarely get some easy money from capcom