SF 2 HF youtube channel

The point of this thread is to get more views,plus I want to beat up real decoy and I will when we play,My chun li will humilate his blanka and hes scared,I got cussed by cigarbob and crayfis on youtube they spammed me 50 messeges saying I sucked well I literally got the teacher to sign my hall pass I found cigarbob in the girls middle school bathroom and I got him in the stall and I made him pay for cussing me

:rofl: This guy, is like DSP, except for real ragin.

Ok, when you try to load up GGPO what is it doing? Any error messages? Any abnormal behavior? Alot of us here would gladly play you just not over Live. HF over Live is laggy as fuck.

It wont load roms Ive tried and tried,Ok in traditional match on HF on xbox live its not laggy I have a great connection

I want real decoy,kj out the 17th or crayfis mainly to step up and play

KJ out 17th is a xbox guy but decoy and crayfis I have problems with how bout a team XBOX LIVE VS TEAM GGPO??? ILL have sf 2 pro rush and ken mexicano on my team

I beat real decoy 24 games to 7 awhile back i want to record it this time,and I wanna smash mr no personality himself crayfis CRAYFIS IM GONNA BEAT U SOO BAD YOUR GONNA SMASH YOUR CONTROLLER IN ANGER U LOST

Have fun then. lol

It maybe be good for you but not everyone else. Past experiences have led players away from HF cause it was so laggy.

The lag is still there when i played about 4 weeks ago so it hasnt changed. And the person i played was in-city.

Players here (as well as i) would prefer a more playable environment with no~minimal lag and GGPO provides that as well as spectating and recording vids. Someone here can easily help you set up GGPO, just ask. But unless you get GGPO working no one here is gonna wanna play, especially over Live.

Not caused theyre “scared”, but its just too laggy. Roms not loading on GGPO seems like an easy fix though…

I support Rocky, he’s the real deal!

Thanks starkilled,Type WA Prodigy or find him on my vids I took him to the cornfield and smashed him 5 games to 1 and then quest knocked on my door with some 4 day old cheeseburgers and some play for a rematch I glady declined.Type gyromilegod1983 in youtube.com to see the funny vid of quest begging me to give WA a rematch





hell yes




Empire Arcadia EXPOSED

Hey guys,I really regret not taping the sf 2 HF matches I had with empire last november I beat triforces team of sanford kelly,lincoln morris and jeron I beat them 7 games to 2 after triforce talked all kinds of shit and said the empire is gonna crush me,well I CRUSHED THEM and they refused to post the vids.SO EMPIRE ARCADIA AHEM TRIFORCE IF YOU GOT THE BALLS assemble you a team or a empire member to play me 1st to 7 ohh and this time youll be on CANDID CAMERA

empire arcadia bout to take a trip to the cornfield