Seth's Trial Mode

Practice the segment that starts from the FP (ie. close FP > EX-Sonic Boom > FADC > Ultra).

I also did the EX-SB by pressing JP and FP, so that my thumb and middle finger were free to press the buttons for the FADC.

The hardest part here for me would be how fast close FP is (remember to pull off the SBs before the animation for FP ends), as well as holding the FA for just a bit longer than everyone else’s, in order to get the crumple.

Trial as in the challenges.


I’ve got some troubles with hard #4

I can do everything except that my timing is lame when it comes to the Ex Focus Attack :crybaby:

I don’t have time for a lvl 3 FA, so I do a lvl 2 (no lvl1 since the link is failing with it). But oddly i still don’t have enough time to do the link.

Is there something to know here or I just don’t get it ?


Do you dash afterwards? (coming from someone who can’t do anyone’s hard trials =P )

Hmmm no I don’t :sweat:

Now that’s a lot harder because of the dash :confused: (I use a pad)

So after the EX Sonic Boom it’s like


EDIT : Come on ! I don’t get it… Lvl 1 isn’t gonna work and lvl 2 is still failing. Not enough time between EX SB and FDA… Damn my hands are bleeding.
Yet I’m working at speed of light here.

Well everyone’s trials are on youtube i believe…find the trial you have trouble with and look at how they do it (timing, dash after focus or not, what level FA is used, etc)

You need to know exactly when you hit level 2 FA. When your FA goes from level 1 to 2 your character flashes white really fast, so learn that timing regardless of the combo. Just FA and dash out as soon as it flashes white over and over again until you get that rhythm down and you know how long it takes to get to level 2. (It will flash a second time when it gets to level 3, just fyi).

The other thing you might be doing wrong is EX canceling too late into the sonic boom. You have a small window to cancel the boom in, make sure you EX cancel as quickly as possible.

And yes, you have to dash out of the focus attack but you can input the dash as soon as you release :mp::mk: and then worry about the ultra input–you have plenty of time for it.

And I think you know this but you definitely have to hit them with the FA, not just FADC a sonic boom.

The way I partition it in my head (cl.hp xx sonic boom xx EX FA2 is a very useful combo starter for Seth) is three continuous motions:

  1. :hp: :qcf: :lp:[:mp:+:mk:]
  2. release :mp:+:mk: :r::r:
    3: ultra


The thing is I clearly see the Lvl 2 FA. But if I release it as soon as it flashes, then Dan is defending. I must wait something like 0.5sec to hit him. The problem is that if I wait, then I don’t have enough time. WTF

I’m just doing exactly like [media=youtube]_bOa6WbYGGo"[/media] (notice he don’t even need to dash :/) ! Except his Dan takes the blow. Maybe i’m just a bit too slow…

EDIT : Nevermind, I got it now. Just need to keep trying. The c.MP -> HP link Is drivin me crazy though. The more I try, the more I do shit. I’m just gonna try it twice a day, my hands will be thankful uhuh

EDIT : Did It. Fifth was piece of cake compared to this one !

Well, I fly through all the challenges and I get stuck at hard trail 4…

I got the second part down (EX sonic boom->Lvl2 FA-> Ultra) I just cant do the>hp…

I always do the stretchy arm instead. I really want that Seth Icon…

I found it easy if I waited a tiny tiny bit longer between so it still connects but it keeps a rhythm that can be continued for hp. The 5th trial is incredibly easy btw.

yeah 5th trail is definitely easier than the 4th, but its still tricky. It took me forever to do the 4th, and I was terrified about what the 5th would bring haha

Thanks! The rhythm definitely helps :wgrin: Now I gotta work on putting it together.

Here I come Seth Icon!

Edit: Just finished lol I was trying to connect the two parts and I couldn’t for a while. Then I zoned out and was just mindlessly executing what it said to do and I got it. I was tapping the rhythm with my feet lol The last challenge was mad easy.

I know this is unnecessary but… MvC2! GET HYPED!

man I’m so jealous of all of you that has the seth icon I’m still stuck at *hard trial 4, I can get the hard punch to come out but after that it’s all goes down the gutter…guess I just got too keep on

*edit, I mean hard trial 4 not 3

What is the 3rd challenge? Don’t have my Xbox here, maybe we can help.>c.lp->hp->EX sonic boom-> Lvl2 FA -> Ultra

Well, I did this on the PS3 controller so I dunno what I can say. What I know is the EX booms to Lvl2 FA is easy. Just charge till Seth flashes white. Practice FADCing to figure out the timing and apply it to the combo. After that you are pretty much done. The last challenge is easy. If I did it, you definitely can :shy:

I can get the>c.lp->hp without a prob but then when the boom comes it aint happening…getting frustrated since I really want to show the cubic seth head to everybody hehe

I know whenever I fail to get a Sonic Boom, it’s because I didn’t finish the forwards motion.

Yeah, that is most likely the problem.

I think it’s gets weird after>c.lp->hp because you have to change your rhythm and speed up all of a sudden to input the EX booms. Never really encountered problems with EX booms though.

I would break the combo down and just work on the hp->EX boomsLvl2 FA ->Ultra just to get used to the speed. :shy:

I’m sporting the cubic Seth icon right now lol It’s pretty awesome :party:

that’s my problem I cheat on the motion, so the booms should come out faster after the hard punch connection

I don’t know how you do it, but whenever I attempt to do the fierce, I’m too far away and I get sim’s fierce instead. How do I remain close to my opponent to land the cl. fierce consistently?