Seth Handbook by the S.I.N.dustry

Well, I just bought myself a new stick and will be playing the game off and on again, so I will be revamping this for AE after I get a chance to play it for more than a couple hours per month.If people would like to give input, it would be greatly appreciated as I pretty much quit after Evo 2010 and have just started dabbling again.

Old download link doesnt work.

Here’s a re-up:

Brilliant. Thanks.

Np. I’ve got a few projects that are going to take priority before I get started on this (CS:S Frag video, Certifications, Learning Oni target combos).

Keep in mind, this was all stuff from Vanilla with very little of it updated for Super. I will be restructuring the handbook itself to elaborate on the unique features of Seth, the different styles of Seth that are existent/note worthy, and breakdown what makes a good Seth player so damn scary.

Expect to see some updates probably by the 2012 update, seeing as Seth isn’t really getting buffs/nerfs, I don’t forsee there being much in the match-ups that are changing significantly.

Er…old link doesn’t work anymore can anyone re-upload it?

i found the working link

Quick rundown of Seth’s normals:

cl.lp: 4 frames, +7 on hit, +4 on block whiffs on crouchers. Use or cr.lp over this because it whiffs on crouchers. After a jump-in you can do a cl.lp on most characters because the blockstun puts them in a fuzzy guard situation. If they crouch and get hit you’ll whiff and be unable to combo. Generally use cr.lp or over this. 4 frames, +6 on hit, +3 on block. Very good, high damage for a light attacks (35 damage). Cannot be chained from, but can be chained into. Standing lets you apply pressure faster as compared to cr.lp. It has more pushback than cr.lp however so for hit-confirms into cl.hp use cr.lp. You can use this move to option select backdashes. with qcb lk. On block you get xx and can still get a mixup. Stolen from: Vega 5 frames, +5 on hit, 75 damage. This was buffed in AE by reducing startup and recovery. On all characters you can do -> xx mk legs as a hit-confirm. On some you can even do, cr.lp, xx legs. However, these combos don’t work off crossups or shallow jump-ins usually. 7 frames, not as good damage as or cl.hp. However, it does have one unique advantage. Similar to Ryu’s, when cancelled it leaves you closer than you started. This allows character-specific combos like cr.lp, (frame trap) xx sonic boom fadc, cl.hp xx hp shoryuken midscreen.

cl.hp: One of Seth’s best normals. 4 frames, 90 damage, 200 stun. It can be used as an anti-crossup and general anti-air because it hits so high up. Unsafe on block if not cancelled. Stolen from: Fei Long 7 frames, 110 damage (both hits), 200 stun, +5 on hit. This attack is the highest damage normal Seth has. It can be used in corner combos for good damage ( xx mk legs -> stomps). However, this move has a weird property where if it hits a crouching character it’s only +4. This limits its use in frame traps because the second hit of the attack ‘eats’ the counter-hit. On some characters you can get, cr.lp, but it’s not recommended. Use,, or cl.hp xx sonic boom instead.

far lp: Similar to Ryu’s far lp in usage. 5 frames, +4/+7. Whiffs on crouchers but good priority for a standing poke. Can be buffered with lk legs on hit, but don’t do this at max range. Useful when reacting to random shit immediately because you can combo to with it for a knockdown.

far lk: One of Seth’s best normals. +1/+4, 4 frames. Extremely good range. Imagine Sagat only it doesn’t cancel. Combos to itself as a 1 frame link for 80 damage, even from pretty far. Useful as a walk up pressure attack. If Dictator is outside of his range after scissor kicks, this will beat any of his safe followups. Good safe followup to cr.lp cr.lp. This move is great. Use it more.

far mp: 6 frames, -1/+2. Whiffs on crouchers. Okay to throw out every once in a while but doesn’t lead to anything unless you buffer mp super.

far mk: Seth’s most versatile standing poke, 8 frames, -1/+2. Good priority and range, very safe on block. Usually enough time to uppercut if they jump to avoid it.

far hp: 13 frames, -15(!)/-11. This move is great for punishing fireballs and stopping people from just walking forwards. However, it has significant recovery and therefore can lead to you dying very quickly if used at unsafe ranges (varies by matchup). Focus absorb, jumping, and fast supers/ultras can all lead to 60% punishes on this move. Don’t spam it. At farther ranges it hits meaty, making some punishes more range-specific. Stolen from: Dhalsim

far hk: This is a counter-poke/whiff punish move. It is slow at 10 frames but it does 90 damage and has very slightly more range and priority than Unsafe on block against Chun’s/Ryu’s supers but mostly safe on block (-3) On hit you are at +1 advantage, leaving you in a good situation. This move is very surprising but is a ‘trick shot’ sort of move. It will get you into trouble if you rely on it.

Next time I feel like posting: crouching normals and jumping normals.

Thanks. Also thank you Kikuichimonji.

Wow 42 pages? This is more like a textbook lol

it is not the complete version unfortunately. some chapters are missing
if somebody happens to have full version please give a link

cr.lp: +3/+6, 4 frames. This is a very useful light attack for Seth. Most of Seth’s hit-confirms involve this move simply because of its versatility and consistency. Decent priority and range for a jab, but it’s 4 frames and Seth’s walkspeed is too slow to abuse it like Rog can abuse his jab. +1/+4, 5 frames. Seth’s only low you can combo from meterless. Good range but it’s 5 frames. This makes it one of the slowest’s in the game, which makes Seth less safe when OS teching than some other characters, like Dictator or Chun-Li. Lowers your hurtbox a bit but not by much. Stolen from: Abel? -1/+3, 5 frames. One of Seth’s essential combo tools. Can always link after two lights (assuming the last one was a jab or Three lights into is spacing/character/crouching specific. In terms of poking, it’s… okay. You can buffer mk legs when poking with it so you get a knockdown on hit. Whiff punishing with it requires precise spacing and Seth’s slow walkspeed makes it hard to set that up. Can be used as an OS tech against low Rufus divekicks and the like, but it’s not recommended. On counter-hit is +7 for some reason, allowing you to frame trap with and then link xx legs/super into a knockdown (Sonic boom is too far to combo). -5/-1, 7 frames. This move is very important in Seth’s mixups. xx cr.lp to, timed correctly (1 frame timing), cannot be jumped out of. You can cancel to Sonic Boom, and then hit-confirm a damaging FADC to cl.hp xx SRK/legs (midscreen do SRK for oki). People want to jump back after Seth’s jabs to avoid SPDs. Don’t let them. Dhalsim only has 3 pre-jump frames so he can jump out of this. is one of Seth’s most underrated pokes, it beats Rog rush punches clean and can whiff punish almost every low poke in the game. It also hits low, making it an effective anti-bulldogging move. Can be buffered to mk legs when poking for a knockdown.

cr.hp: -3*/juggle, 10 frames. This move is a combo tool. It’s similar to Ryu’s f.hp, only the combos off it aren’t hard, it doesn’t move forwards, and it’s cancellable. Both hits of the move are special cancellable, and only the second one launches. This move is too slow to hit-confirm or frame trap with usually. However, if for some reason people want to delayed OS tech against a character with a command grab, this move can blow them up for it. At farther ranges the second hit of cr.hp may whiff against blocking crouching opponents, making it VERY unsafe on block. Off cr.hp you can get a lp srk -> stomps/U2 juggle, U1, or hk legs -> stomps near the corner. cr.hp builds more meter than cl.hp but does the same damage for corner juggles. Stolen from: Urien (3rd Strike) -9/knockdown, 8 frames. Don’t use this move unless you really know what you’re doing. That said, the active and recovery of this move really lowers Seth’s hitbox behind him making it useful as a gimmicky way to avoid crossups, etcetera. Can be used to whiff punish but has almost exactly the same range and priority without leaving Seth close to his opponent and unsafe. xx legs leads to more damage as well. You can set up a divekick/ mixup off Seth’s, giving it a theoretical value midscreen. But you could never use this move and be fine. Stolen from: Urien (3rd Strike)

FYI: I’m coming back to serious gaming again for AE. I’ll see if I can’t get caught up on what i’ve missed over the last 1-1.5 years.

Hi :smiley:

YES :smiley:
Welcome back!

So I’m going to Evo, and this whole month i’m going to grind pretty hard with Cole (mostly on the Dhalsim match-up/Shangri-la ultra), but I’ll also be looking into breaking the Guile and Zangief match-ups pretty hardcore to find a way that you can come out flawless victory. There any other match-ups you guys want me to specifically look into, because I’ll most likely be seeking those best of those characters in my area prior too Evo.

Let me know, because I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to get refreshed on my knowledge on particular match-ups, even if it’s Balrog, Sagat, C.Viper, or Honda (some of my favorite/easiest match-ups).

Gief is gonna be a good one to look into. How about vs Fei Long? That might be one you’re gonna see often at EVO.

Also are you running a secondary character?

No secondary. Seth is a very versatile character, with a lot of options and ways to be played on a character by character basis. In theory, he should not need a secondary.

I’ve got Itazan in my bracket. I’m going to be studying like a mofo for that and quite a few other match-ups. Expect my list by around Evo.

It was funny, Cole and I were slated to play each other first round. We were both like “Wtf?”. Good stuff they altered the brackets/re-arranged them.

Tried all the links in this thread. It says “no file found” on all of them. Can anyone help me out? :smiley:

I found the last copy I made in my gmail (Thank god for never having to delete anything). I just uploaded it to this FileDropper site:

I’ll update the first post so people don’t have to check them all. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Keep in mind, this was made from Vanilla. Being Super, AE, and now AE2012, a lot of the Punishing section needs to be updated to reflect changes.

Curious. Did you not finish the handbook? The file you posted stops at the tips for Fei Long. No chapter 7 (Tanden Engine) through 10 (Shout Outs). Just making sure I don’t need to redownload it or something.

My memory is hazy, but I’m fairly certain that’s all I got to when I originally uploaded it. Sorry it can’t be of more help, but I will say it’s a strong foundation.

In the last week I’ve been studying the metagame of the current Seth’s (Dashio, Poongko, Kazunoko), I’m fairly certain I can create a couple of sections on the new choices after testing.

Hell, just tonight, I spun up a 2-bar mix-up that has 700 damage/1090 stun minimum. I also came up with 5 different finishers that use altogether 3-bars (Max w/ 3-bars+Ultra2: 961 damage/1450 stun. Max w/ 3-bars and NO Ultra2: 901/1490 stun).

^^ And just so everyone’s aware, the mix-up/combos used for the mix-ups described above are mostly in the corner, but I found one mid-screen that gets you just under 700 damage and roughly 850 stun.