Seth Beginners Guide

Ahoi all,

I’ve been compiling a bunch of links/videos to make a guide that anybody can look at and become proficient using Seth with. Here’s what I have so far.

Does anybody know of any other good resources that I could add?

Seth has never been a jack of all trades character; I’m not sure where this originated but it’s one of those lines I hear waaay too much.

eventhubs is probably one of the worst places to get a general idea of any character. Seems like whoever wrote the pages hasn’t played the game seriously since…well, ever. If you read something about Seth on eventhubs that doesn’t involve hit boxes, there is an 80% chance of it being wrong. Hell, they even goofed the translations when they tried to translate them.

The main post in our match up thread is basically shit and is horribly outdated. There is some good info in there, just not in the area it should be.

U1 is just a better choice, period. U2 is only useful against a few characters, and you could still make a damn good argument for U1.

The YouTube tutorial is dated and some of the information is questionable.

Anyway, the best way to learn Seth right now is probably to watch OnlineTony and Poongko. My friend wants me to do a YouTube tutorial series so I can “get exposure”, dunno how long that will take though…

Anyone who is a really high leveled Seth, like at around 3000+ BP, do y’all mind giving me some beginner tips on how to ise Seth, I only know like 3 combos but never seem to be able to use em effectively, I know how to get in on a character but the only way that seens to work for me 89% of the time is the dive kick but thats easily punishable. The point Im trying to get across is I know how to use Seth but I cant execute how to use Seth for some reason. 1 thing is for sure though and that’s Im wayto excited when I play and I feel that may be blinding my sense of judgment, can anyone please help me? Any kinda of help will be taken into consideration, if you wanna show me what to do 1v1 style I play on the 360 and my tag is Dr Fallen X. Thanksba bunch!

I usually float around 3000 pp and currently have 12k bp, I have a stream where I main seth full time and try to give pointers to people who ask. I’m not godlike, but definitely know all the basics and and some advanced techniques. either hit up my stream at or add me on xbl THEpHaRSiDe