When a series puts out a shitty sequel, people can still appreciate the earlier installment(s). But is there anything where the sequel was so bad, you can’t even enjoy earlier installments like you used to?
Nip/Tuck was almost the worst show ever for its last few seasons*, but I still loved seasons 1 & 2. Or so I thought. I re-watched them recently. Without the rest of the seasons, they would hold up. But now that I know how things would get so ludicrous, I can’t watch. I can’t see reasonable, sympathetic patients in season 2 knowing season whatever had a guy who fucks couches. And that Couch Fucker isn’t the craziest patient by far. I can’t watch Matt be a decent human being in seasons 1-2 knowing he’s going to commit robberies dressed as a mime later.
*Unless you’re into guilty pleasures. Then it will never be matched.
This is the first time this happened to me though. No matter how bad something got, the suck stayed self-contained. This is the first time it blew the doors off the rest of the series. What about you?
2nd half of season 3 in The Walking Dead sucked. I’ve been more disappointed by game series over time than TV shows.
Final Fantasy series past X
Killzone 3
Quake 4
Wolfenstein(though modern Wolfenstein had a great campaign, its multiplayer aspect was horrible compared to Quake 3-engine based Wolfenstein.)
Modern Medal of Honor
A fun game is a fun game no sequel no matter how shitty can take that fun you had with the previous game away. Anyways we have a TV thread so lets stick to talking about games, also lets avoid fighting games otherwise this thread will devolve into #Crapcom.
Oh what am I talking about this thread is doomed to turn into an RE6, ME3, COD MW3, and SH, hate fest (I havent played any of them so I can’t comment)
i hope we can all agree these lowered the bar:
DmC and DMC 2
All Mega Mans after X4
All Sonics after S&K
All Turoks after 2
All FF’s after 10
Perfect Dark Zero everyone who bought a 360 near launch remembers how mislead they were
Crackdown 2
Movies: Superman III, Batman & Robin, Robocop 3, Highlander 2: The Quickening, Weekend At Bernies 2 [don’t ask. It was a sequel to a already mediocre movie]
games: Megaman 8, Megaman X4 [Some may disagree with this, but this where I feel the series took a downward spiral], Mortal Kombat 4
Mass Effect 3. Made me regret wasting my time with the whole trilogy, even going back and trying to play Mass Effect 1 and 2, I just couldn’t do it, because I knew when it got to the end of 3, I would just hate it all over again. And by hate I mean fucking despise. I knew what they had cut from the overall series after reading interviews with Drew Karphyshyn about the Dark Matter elements, and even if the plot was leaked, it still would have been better than that atrocious shit finale Casey Hudson threw together over a weekend. ME2’s utterly retarded main plot had me seriously wondering if they could pull off a trilogy, and it they almost did, until that fucking ending. So horrible, shook my faith in gaming as ever being a solid storytelling medium.
Fuck that whole fucking series, fuck Bioware for that matter