[September 14-15, 2013] ST Tournament @ The Fall Classic

Any players near the area, show up and support ST. This should be a great event! If you have any questions, please post here or get a hold of Damdai.

Get ready for a big weekend of Super Turbo (September 14-15) at The Fall Classic tournament in Raleigh, NC! On
Saturday, there will be two exhibition tournaments including a Character Lock Tournament and a Starcup Tournament.
On Sunday, the main event happens starting at 1PM EST. The one and only Damdai will be in attendance, as well as
Krost, Rekkaken, JayFree and more. Also, a special apperance by one of the Super Arcade elites: Shotosallday,
who is attending all the way from Los Angeles!


  • Sept. 14th (Saturday) – 1PM - Character Lock Tournament and Starcup Tournament
  • Sept. 15th (Sunday) – 1PM – Main Event Tournament followed by special Shotosallday Kumite!


  • 3/5 games, Double Elimination, Akuma is banned.


  • Japanese Head-To-Head Cabinet + UDCPS2 Supergun (compatible with PS3/360 sticks/pads)

Entry Fees + Payout:

  • Saturday: Character Lock Tournament $5

  • Saturday: Starcup Tournament $5

  • Sunday: Main Event Tournament $10

  • Payout: 1st 70%/ 2nd 20%/ 3rd 10%

About The Fall Classic:

The East Coast is finally being united by four major tournament organizers, Larry “Shin Blanka” Dixon, John
“SweetJohnnyCage” Gallagher, Joe “LI Joe” Ciaramelli, and Eric “Big E” Small. The amount of hard work and
dedication shown by these four is unmatched and will, without a doubt, be shown when they all come together
September 14-15, 2013 in Raleigh, North Carolina for the first ever Fall Classic. Big plans are in store for east
coast and we want YOU to show your love, not only for the coast, not only for the organizers, but for the
community. This is about you! Don’t forget that these four organizers all bring something unique to the table,
not to mention YEARS of experience. This is going to be the east coast done right. For anyone not familiar with
some of the founders read more about The Fall Classic staff here.

We have plenty to announce so follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and stay tuned to the site because
everything you need to know will be found here. Keep your eye out for pre-registration to open up and we
hope to see you at the event!

what’s a starcup tournament?

Solo 3v3. Pick any 3 characters. Pokemon style. Whoever loses all 3 characters first loses the match.

Cant wait to see you guys there!!

I will enter all three events! See you all there!

You had me at “Pokemon”.

Any of this going to be streamed?

I’m pretty sure no stream but hopefully Damdai or someone records matches (Damdai usually records matches).

I’m gonna call it right now. Shotosallday is gonna take it. Get hype lol

No stream, but Damdai usually records matches. Definitely top 3 will be streamed, but normally Damdai is good at recording as many matches as he can.

But I think he’s helping with the TO stuff, but it might be a bit of a time stretch to ask him to record anything other than top3.

I limit recording to top 8 these days.

How many entrants were there?

  1. Damdai
  2. Shotosallday
  3. Krost
  4. Jay Free

Thanks to Jay Free for the results. Damdai said Starcup tourney had 13 entries, Char lock had 15 entries and Main Event had 18 entries.

Star Cup - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWU4A1LRLOLkhx9-4Rf0M0M-4BEKp7lzN
Main Event - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWU4A1LRLOLnY1BJTL5k_bzlISDie3AVy

For Character Lock, missed top 3 because ran out of space. Not sure if worth uploading the rest.