Sept 17, 2011: Vancouver Street Battle 5 [SSF4AE Tournament / Xbox360)

With the last VSB being such a huge success, we have decided to not give it a break and host another one in a month! This time we will be keeping things fresh by having 2vs2 (Japanese SBO style) for Teams Battle instead of the usual 3vs3. There will also be ST on the side as well like last time. :slight_smile:

Anyways, here goes the tournament info:

Vancouver Street Battle 5
…Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, ran on XBOX360 (bring your own stick/controller)

E-spot Billiards and Arcade (Right across from Lansdown Skytrain Station, located behind Memory Express on #3 Road)

Tournaments and Fees:
Venue Fees: $15 ($10 if you pre-register)
Singles: $10
Teams: $15/team
ST: $10

Best 2 out of 3, double elimination
Standard payout to top 3.

Teams (2 on 2) please note this time we have went with the SBO style 2vs2 instead of the usual 3vs3, just to mix things up a little
Best 2 out of 3, double elimination
Standard payout to top 3 teams.

ST: (mini side tournament)
Best 2 out of 3, single elimination (since it will all be ran on 1 setup)
Standard payout to top 3.

Registration ends 15mins before the tournament starts
AE Teams starts @ 1:30pm
AE Singles and ST starts @ approx 4pm


If you want to save $5 on venue fees, please email us at, or simply leave a msg on our wall here. We will give you a pre-reg #, you will need this # on the day of the tournament for the $5 discount.

dear mods,

please sticky this when you guys have time. :slight_smile:

thanks in advance.

that was fast. Ill try and make it again. anyone going looking for a teammate for teams? msg me

Ill try my best to make it out, not sure if Ill end up playing due to me being terrible, but Ill see what I can do

Come out to the stronghold on wednesdays and practice. We’re all pretty friendly and alot of people are knowledgable at the game so you can learn a thing or two.

I’d love to but ive got school wedsnesday nights :frowning:
And if its the magic stronghold, its pretty far to come after, Ill be at the sundaynight espot gatherings hopefully

I will run ST!

Hi eric! Sorry we didn’t talk much.

What emulator should I DL ?

le sticky? prease? :smiley:

How is 2v2 SBO style???

SBO is 2vs2. :slight_smile:

Oh damn missed this post (hopefully sticky?)

This is happening so soon. Not enough time for me to practice :frowning:

good luck with this

Nice to see ST still being played. :tup:


I might be able to play teams only, fucking night shift. I’ll see if I can make a day off this Sat.

Didn’t see this thread until today lol.

UPDATE: Super Turbo will be run during AE Teams and NOT during AE Singles.

Please note that, as usual, I will work around AE! You will not get DQ’ed for being in both games. My promise.

Also as per usual, the exact format for ST will be determined at the tournament on tournament day, depending on attendance and equipment.

  • Entry fee will be $5 or $10. As a reminder, you must pay the venue fee as well to register for ST.
  • If single elim, we’ll run best 3 out of 5 games for each set. If double elim, we’ll run best 2 out of 3.

So are there gonna be stations for casuals at all? Or is it gonna be all tourney matches?

who cares, just come and play

There will be no casual setups thruout the tournament. setups will be open for casuals only before the tournys start, during registration.

Gonna need a team mate.

It’s Ray.



i guess ill sign up for this. email sent