[Sep 27, 2012] ATTN: South Jersey/Philly players! Play N Trade tournaments... (Glassboro, NJ)

Just 20 mins from Philly in Glassboro NJ (next to Rowan University) is a Play N Trade willing to host tournaments! As of right now things are in pre-production. This thread is more of a heads up to everyone in the area. I will keep this thread updated as I find out more info.

The big two (UMVC3 and SSF4AE) will be some of the major titles there, however the owners of the store are curious what games people want to play before the tournaments are decided.

If you see yourself attending some of these in the future, then go ahead and post what games you’d like to see played there. Seeing as the most popular requested games will be the ones being played.

Check them out @ http://www.facebook.com/PlayNTradeOfGlassboro