yeah sanford justin and yipes seem to do it with very little effort. Maybe they know something we dont?
Just execution. This past weekend I was able to get up with Mixup, and he was playing the bot, and he was doing refly combos and refly stomp patterns easy too. Just some fast ass execution.
you just need it to become like a natural regular fastfly
don’t forget chunk, his reflies are killer, especially when high from what I hear
yep pretty much
Sanford makes relfy seems easy…
khaos: refly :k: x6 already!? FACK!
Great thread though, I’ve been waiting :tup:
You know it! I’m telling you, I love refly. Flashy but useful.
Neophase Sentinel Montage Video is almost done!
I cant wait to see what u can do with the robot.
The vid will be practical/flashy at the same time. Truly a crowd-pleaser. Well, hopefully. :tup:
Update: We just need to record the grand finale clip, then edit, then render… then… boom. Done.
Done, at least for now but we’ll come up w/ more!!! There’s always something new :tup:
im just starting to get into this…its really hard for me, im starting with launch lk ff lk refly
you should really work on gettin the motions down… get that foundation poppin first lol:looney:
:lol: yeah indeed im really having a hard time with reflying + lk motion
IMO, just practice practice practice that motion…then when u think u got it…practice some more cuz u shouldnt think u got it…u should know u got it :tup:
anybody try alternating buttons for quirky block strings?
ex. fly lk, refly, lp, if push blocked (which wont take you far) refly fp. Its hard but really throws off timing for push blocks. try it
I’ve been delving into this a lil bit actually. It seems the hard thing for me is reacting to the pushblock in time for the refly fp to connect on their body. I think unfly mode could beef up that pattern though a little bit, but I haven’t played around with it yet.
New video with plenty of REFLY.
Hope you guys like it.
…oops, looks like the youtube/WMG canons got to your vid as well. The vid is respectable, though I’ve already seen about 60% of the stuff showcased here. Good shit regardless…