Sentinel Strategies/Tactics/Q&A Thread

Ha ha, I realized that part already. What I’m having difficulty with right now is getting it timed properly so that the laser doesn’t touch the opponent. From what I remember (though maybe my memory is poor of the mix-up), what happened was it was a st. H, and you could visibly see the laser out on the screen (the beam was touching the end of the screen and gave enough time for the opponent to react to that cue) and then the command grab happened just as they landed.

The way you’re describing it, makes it sound more similar to the tick st. LH xx command grab where the laser is barely even out of Sentinel’s mouth.

I remember it was both Infrit and RayRay who did that on stream. I’m a find it for us, simply because it will be useful for Jak’s guide.

Is it this [media=youtube]pB1rkXwOFsQ[/media] @5:12? It doesn’t seem like a very tight incoming mix-up though, it only worked cause vergil lacks any air mobility at all, plus omg itz andre didn’t come in mashing buttons. Overall I don’t see much of a reason to use it instead of the tried and true guard breaks but if anyone can explain a good reason Im all ears, but honestly if Im coming in with doom/sent/akuma and I see a sentinel whiffing a st.:h: Im either coming in mashing on a footdive/frying pan or double jumping/air-dashing/demon flipping the hell out of there.

Ah, it was in XF3. That would explain it. It’s a nice wrinkle to add into your game. The spacing does look like it would avoid S foot dive, at least. I’d probably pull it out after I’ve attempted like 4 or 5 guard breaks in a row.

That makes sense I guess, something to throw out in a long set.

guys i need some help with getting the follow up off of sent’s :h: commd grab after tk flight midscreen. every time i’ve tried it, it’s looks like Sentinel is being stuck for a sec(while i’m holding forward after flight) before he can move.

any tips on that?

The best thing to do to land Hard Drive after a mid screen Human Catapult :h: using flight mode is to input the TK flight mode and do a DP motion Rocket Punch :l:. What occurs when you do that is that Sentinel will swivel from his “freeze” after the command grab. The game won’t register your forward hold buffer but will register the DP motion :dp: and will cause you to move forward at a 45 degree angle headed towards the ground, and inputting the Rocket Punch :l: as a DP motion will move Sentinel closer and hit them with the tip of the Air Rocket Punch.

This way, I’ve been getting very consistent results against almost all of the characters (except Rocket Racoon, Hard Drive will occasionally miss the final hit on him)

just to make sure this can only be done consistently mid screen and not full screen right?

BTW, that whiffed spit > command grab setup, you dont actually need to whiff the spit. Once a character lands (if they didn’t pushblock :h:) their blockstun is negated. So if you did Spit xx :h: Cmd grab, you’ll catch people now and then.

It should work full screen also, since after Sentinel bear hugs them and send them flying, he leaves them full screen, thus it should still work. I’ll check it out again though.


Ill stick this in the guide as well(obviously) but wanted to ask a quick question, at 7:17 joker pulls off a cross under with sentinel on storm in the corner. I didn’t even realize this was possible, I thought sent was too big to cross under them in the corner, so my question is how do you time this? Cause I’ve tried to do it and sent never turns around, he’s always facing the wrong direction, is it x-factor only or something?

U have to crouch with sent in order to get behind the character… Now if I just crouch it makes it obvious that I want to go behind… So I crouch the very last second so u can’t even see it so the opponent will think I’m not going to cross uP…
I like to fly unfly dash to the corner then press down for a split second… They will probably think
Im just going to unfly and hit low or grab… Well of course unless Ur Justin Wong lol

Here’s some examples where doing the better combo is necessary:

First one is where doing the wrong combo got him killed (almost, no Hard Drive punish on Ammy got Sentinel killed):


Skip to 11:38 to where there were combo flaws.

  • Flight Extensions were not used at all (a simple FLY, j.:l:, j. :m:, j.:h:, j.:s: would’ve done the trick)
  • With a flight extension to get more meter in both occasions, Joker could’ve had more than enough meter to get the similar result and have a Hard Drive ready at his disposal to fire when Ammy tried her super.

Here’s an example where a simple flight extension/longer combo got him the necessary meter to win the round:


Skip to 2:30 for command grab goodness, then to 7:55 to where doing the longer combo got the meter necessary to kill.

So yea I tested out what joker said and sure enough it works like a charm, if you duck right as the opposing character is coming in you’ll cross them up. Haven’t tried it in match yet, but I definitely see some potential, particularly for someone like me that runs sentinel second. It doesn’t seem to work on MODOK though, so thats just a heads up for all y’all, he seems to be too fat to cross up. Maybe I had to change the timing, but it didn’t work the regular way, it also worked on nemesis so Im guessing it works on all the big bodies save the aforementioned MODOK.

i’m going to be running team Santhrax 2012 soon. anyone have any idea what that might be? lol

I have no clue, but I have a hunch that it’s Taskmaster/Magneto/Sentinel.

No not really, in vanilla it was prolly storm/sentinel/haggar, but in this game I have no idea. Part of the issue is my lack of a complete understanding of how santhrax worked. All I see is amazingly point character in storm, sentinel in the middle and AA/GTFO me assist in the back. In ultimate it would prolly be something like magneto/sentinel/someone but thats all I got.

How about Mags Sent Dante?

You see I was considering that, but overlooked it since it isn’t the optimal order for that team plus don’t tell anyone but I really don’t like jam session for most characters. I mean its an amazing AA, but considering how badly it scales your combos its not exactly ideal for a character like sentinel imo. With that said though, the teams solid, sent/dante isn’t sent/capCom, but its pretty amazing nonetheless(jam session damage scaling notwithstanding), but overall though once you consider all the factors, mag/dante/sent is the superior order imo.


team bootleg santhrax