Sentinel Strategies/Tactics/Q&A Thread

…so if they don’t push block you just do the S and if they do you fly cancel the H? If your gunna do that why not just do it if they push block or not… Gives you more advantage anyway.

that’s what i meant to say lol

Just throw out a random j. :s: every once in a while. If you catch them, make sure you can land the relaunch combo using a j.:s: starter by doing a dash to let them lower for a bit on the ground bounce then do the relaunch combo like usual, except when you do the unfly, you have to IMMEDIATELY press j. :h: because they tend to fall out there than anywhere else in the combo lol

Still personally thin jS is pretty ehh besides for

Hey so I was giving your anti-tac masher set-up a few thoughts and it doesn’t look very tight. I might be wrong(and feel free to correct me) but it seems the opponent has time for their attack to come out, so say the opponent was mashing a helm breaking or frying pan during your combo it looks like it would hit sent before the j.:h: comes out. Im thinking something along the lines of st.:s: j.:h: flight :l: :h: unfly :l: they air tech double jump :l: :m: :s: might be a lot tighter and more of a universal masher punish. Unfortunately Im back in school so I can no longer test these things out but I figured id post this and see what you think.

okay the double jump tech you posted is a lot better simply cuz when you see them try to move or whatever then just double jump :l: (if they are higher than you, then hit :l: > :m: or after flight you can do the flight relaunch combo). so yeah good shit on improving on that air tech and hopefully Infrit or rayray might be able to share a little of their tech whenever they pop through here again

Thanks man, glad I coulda been of assistance. Now that Im back in school and my internet is more consistent ill re-update the guide with a lot of these new discoveries.

heres a ghetto sentinel reset if you’re out of meter to followup into plasma storm after lp rocket punch:

-jump air throw (can followup if you have otg assist or if you just got meter)
-standing s if you think they’ll mash out to tech throw. the armor will soak up a hit.

another ghetto sentinel reset after hard drive in corner.
-standing mp xx flight into air throw
-standing mp into s if you think they’ll push some buttons.

another good reset using st:m: is kara cancelling into :l: catapult, then otg into whatever follow up. niggas fall for that shit after hard drive every fuckin time lmao

Need some pressure strings and things to open people up. Also some anti-advancing guard strats would be nice.

Learn the fly/unfly :m:'s and :h:'s, the unfly usually cancels advancing guard (this is true with most characters) and can be scary to deal with. Also, try to condition them to continually block high, so that cr. :m: can retain its Unblockable properties.

Other common set ups involve a low-flying Sentinel to do his j.:s: fake into cr. :m:. If you do it incorrectly, you get a j. :s: blocked and get +frames for having it blocked.

Most of the time, the opponent will try and push-block and up-back all day if they’re afraid of Sentinel; in this case, you just delay a j.:h:, j. :s: for the push block fail and bop them in the head. In any case, be sure to know your relaunch combo to kill off dat touch.

Yea Im trying to improve my pressure strings as well, one that I think everyone needs to use is fly :l: unfly :m:, this is a really good string because even if the :l: is push blocked your opponent is still gonna get hit by the :m:, if you delay the :m: you can get impatient individuals since it works like a frame trap. Another normal people need to use more are his :l: normals(not proper grammar but Im tired so f that), they are what you need to set-up the command grab cr.:m: 50/50’s and his air :l: sets up tick throws so easily since its +17 without the un-fly. All in all, try to add more :l:'s to your game they’ll get you more w’s(see what I did there?), they are a very underrated normal imo.

You might also try taking a gamble with:

Dash-up, st. L xx Fly --> j. Buttons (I go straight to j.S out of laziness)

It’s a dangerous gamble (since you can get ticked out of flight, or probably straight slapped during the dash), but it’ll do decently if you’ve been presenting your opponent with a lot of cr. M’s as they’ll probably be holding down-back and hitting push-block from there.

Here’s another question, how do you guys get out of the corner? Once my opponent gets me into the corner I usually just bend over and ask them to be gentle because other than hard drives, x-factor throws and calling out akuma to create space I have no idea how to handle such a situation. Since sent has no air dash, I can’t activate flight and plink dash out of the corner like I do with doom and despite having a good wave dash, his giant frame makes dashing under people very difficult.

Hi, ya’ll.

I’m completely new to Sentinel, yet I’m trying to work on a total team overhaul and I’m using him as my anchor. It seems like there’s a lot to learn about him but I really want to learn the ins and outs of his playstyle. I’ve been messing around a lot in the training room with him but I don’t really feel like I’m getting anywhere so, that being said, I have a few questions:

-What’s his game? Does he play better with projectiles/keeping away or is he more of a up in your face assault kind of character? Or can he do both?

-The other two members of this team will be Jill on point and Storm as second. Which of their assists work best with Sentinel?

-Which of Sentinel’s assists are the most useful?

-Are there any really good Sentinel players or just Sentinel videos in general I could watch?

-Who are some other people I could use around Sentinel? And please don’t say Magneto, I have no interest in him at the moment.

-Who are his worst and best matchups?

If anyone could answer some or all of those in detail for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I’m looking for someone who can actually take the time to throw down a few matches on XBL and show me what Sentinel’s all about. Preferably someone who is really good with him. GT=Onslaught EXE

Thanks in advance. :smiley:

man you have to make them realize that you are big body. stand/crouch :l: or :m:s xx fly/command grab/ combo into HSF usually does the work and xfactor if you need it.

So pushblock one of their strings and then hit em with either the :l: or the :m:? Gotcha, got a casual session tonight, ill test it out.

I’ve been having good success, by landing some j.:h:'s on turtles, followed by a cr.:l: into a ticked Kara-Human Catapult.

Hey, does anyone remember what event it was, I think it was Infrit, where a Sentinel whiffed st. H on incoming and cancelled into H command grab? I’ve been trying to hammer out that timing and a video reference would be a huge help.

i can’t find a video yet (cuz i’m stupid) but what you do is press :h:, look at sentinels mouth as the lazer is coming out and then while that’s happening buffer the input for command grab