Sentinel deconfirmed by Nitsuma in Spanish Interview!?

From Eurogamer interview Entrevista Ryota Niitsuma, director y productor de Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |

Eurogamer: You have commented that you left from a list made by Marvel, it means that at the time of choosing personages of its group you had limitations? To what superheroes you throw less than of Marvel?

Ryota Niitsuma: Indeed, we could not choose personages who were not in that list and if there were some we wanted to use nonlame Marvel said that takes this other to us. In this sense, we wanted to bring of return to a pair of MVC2 personages, as Juggernaut and The Sentinel but we could not.

Eurogamer: Has comentado que partíais de una lista confeccionada por Marvel, ¿significa eso que a la hora de escoger personajes de su plantilla tuvisteis limitaciones? ¿A qué superhéroes echáis de menos de Marvel?

Ryota Niitsuma: Efectivamente, no pudimos escoger personajes que no estuvieran en esa lista y si había alguno que queríamos utilizar Marvel nos decía no cojas ese coge este otro. En este sentido, quisimos traer de vuelta a un par de personajes de MVC2, como Juggernaut y The Sentinel pero no pudimos.

Because commenting in the thread that this is already being discussed in is too fucking hard for you.

We’re discussing this in the General MvC3 thread, so it’s best to talk about it there, a mod will prob. lock the thread, so if you want to continue disccusing this, just go to the General MvC3 discussion thread.

Maybe he didn’t know, not everyone checks the general discussion thread every 5 minutes. Why do some people have to be such asses at times?

Damn, it’s obvious the guy/girl is a newbie here, no need to be rude/ignorant to them.

It’s not a matter of being new, it’s a matter of reading the rules and using common sense. This obviously doesn’t warrant it’s own thread.

the real problem is characters do not have their own sections a la tekkenzaibatsu. this setup is messy.

I agree. But If you’re a noob here w/o a ‘KFC’ avatar, nobody will listen too ya.


Well, no need to curse at the guy. Just say ‘post it in the GD board’ and let the mods lock it if they wanna.

They usually make character sections once the game drops. Look at the SSFIV section, it was just like this before release.