Sen Bu Assist Weirdness

I am not sure if anyone found this already (wouldn’t be surprised if someone did here at the fine forums of SRk) but in the corner if you are point blank next to your opponent and call Hsien Ko Sen Bu Assist it causes a position switch some characters need to hold forward into the opponent and they switch sides… I just started using Hsien Ko yesterday and did it and didn’t know why and today I did it again and figured out that I didn’t need to press anything to get to the other side. Seems to work easier on characters with Larger Hitboxes, I am assuming because all three characters cant occupy that small corner and instead of pushing you back it puts the person stuck in the corner on the other side… seems like a Weird ass Crossup possibility lol

EDIT: Ok I found out that the glitch only works in the left corner cause she doesn’t go behind them in the right corner… I use taskmaster and that I am getting is i set it up so that when I call the asstist they are back against the corner and then weather they block or not as the last hit is connected or blocked dash into them and you will switch places… I wonder if they fixed that in UMvC3. (shhhhh don’t tell them lol) it is pretty easy to time and If I can get it to work in a match (which I think I can) then it will be insane its like a free crossup teleport. lol

So after I read this I wanted to see if it worked in ultimate, and guess what
This is amazing stuff I’m actually excited for this weeks big two

This is nullified if your opponent crouches(unless you have an air dash capable character), pushblocks or both. If you combo into senpu bu assist they must be standing or it won’t work unless you have a move that forces them to stand(Chris L combo punch). Also it only works on the corner which you start the match from. So if you are player 1, then it’ll only work on the left side; player 2 - right side.

So far the best use I found for it is on incoming characters. Make them block your normals+senpu bu assist, then dash underneath them. You should have crossed up as soon as they touch the ground. If they pushblock they should be still airborne and easily exposed to air throws.

I just figured this out and posted it in the glitch thread as my own discovery. Sadly, this is WAAAYYYYY too situational to be relevant.:frowning: