Selling My Street Fighter Collection

Well I need some money and seeing as I stoped adding to my comics I’ve decided to sell them.

I just wanted to make sure I’ve got the right comic list.

1)San Diego Comic Con Exclusive 3,000 printed
2)Canadian National Comic Book Expo Exclusive 3,000 printed
3)Dynamic Forces Joe Madureira sketch w/ black foil logo 2,000 printed
4)Cover A and backup story by Joe Madureira
5)Cover B by Arnold Tsang
6)Chun Li power foil by Jo Chen
7)Dynamic Forces Joe Madureira (#01A) cover w/ red foil logo - 2,000 printed
8)Cover B and backup story by Adam Warren

1)Cover C by J. Scott Campbell
2)Ken Power foil by Jo Chen
3)Cover B and backup story by Kevin Lau & Charles Park
4)M. Bison Power foil by Jo Chen
5)Alvin Lee (#03A) cover w/ gold foil logo - 1,000 printed (Jay Company)
6)Kevin Lau (#03B) cover w/ copper foil logo - 1,000 printed (Jay Company)
7)Cover A by Alvin Lee & Arnold Tsang
8)Cover B and backup story by Kaare Andrews

1)Guile Power foil by Jo Chen
2)Christmas Card Cover w/ busts - 500 available with busts, 3,000 printed total
3)Cover A by Alvin Lee & Arnold Tsang
4)Cover B and backup story by Hyung-Tae Kim
5)Cover B by Dustin Nguyen
6)Akuma Power foil by Arnold Tsang
7)Cover by Arnold Tsang
8)Cover and backup story by Salvador Larocca

1)Arnold Tsang cover w/ red foil logo - 500 printed? (Dynamic Forces)
2)Cover by Mark Brooks
3)Cover and backup story by Ale Garza

I seem to have missed 2 out but have no idea what they are. Also does anybody know how much I should expect to get from these considering they are all NM condition?

Thanks in advance for all your help.

I’m willing to buy all these from you. (!DRAMA!)

How much are you selling them for and can you ship outside the United States?

Are you only selling it in a bundle or can I buy individual? I’m interested in the Akuma, Ken, and Bison foils if you’re willing to…

The Bison foil specifically is mine!!! DIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEE!

I’d rather sell them in a bundle so Megalomaniac if we could come to a price that would be great. I’m also outside the US, in the UK, so I would be willing to ship to you.

As for a price I have a rough idea but I’d like to get some opinions from evrybody else so I can give a fair price.

I’m Daemos, the title is Megalomaniac. :slight_smile:

I’m really not sure how much all these cost. How much did you buy all of them for roughly?

Sorry Daemao :stuck_out_tongue:

I paid aproximatley over 300 on them but bought most of them seperatley

That’s h0w much I estimated them to be, between 200 to 300.

Damos’ Avatar 0wnz!

People can’t spell my name. :frowning:

Is there anyone able of giving an estimate of how much all this costs? (other than the Mundu gave)