Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - 'Additional Features Update' - 10/29/20

It’s From.

Twice is a metaphor for infinity.

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This in all probability going to be the first full price game that I buy since RE2R.

I have it.

It’s so good.

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It’s about to go down.


Played until 6 AM. This might be Miyazaki’s best game yet.

The combat is INCREDIBLE.


This game really feels like Tenchu with some Souls favor. I’m enjoying the stealth. Still working out the kinks in combat.


So this is NOT a Bayonetta/DMC style game right?

Fuuuuuuuuuck no.

Edit: Holy shit no.

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Bless Buddha. I was getting my ass handed to me by a sub boss level enemy and when the bastard tried to give chase he fell off the ledge killing himself.


In those games you have 3-5 attack buttons. In this game you have 3 different defense buttons. Honestly it’s pretty similar to a fighting game in how combat and defense works. Spacing is there although light, and the concept of mix-ups(you’re mostly just defending against them though) and “turns” is strong here.


Any tips on how to defeat lady bufferfly?

I’m suppose to use the snap seed in the second phase of the fight?


Block and especially deflect more, dodge less. Only dodge unblockables. If your posture is about to break, run to the other side of the room (or during her recovery, whatever) and recover posture fast by holding block. Use Shuriken when she’s jumping to knock her down for a free hit. If she’s on a thread she’ll block, but while jumping she can’t.

And yes, Snap Seed de-spawns ghosts and butterflies, so save it for when they appear. No need before hand.

Boss tips

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How about tips for the boss on the horse with the spear? Forget his name at the moment but he’s clowning me. Is my deflect timing just super shitty or can he not be and I need to do something else?

The horse guy at the gate is giving me trouble to. I can deflect his thrust but the sweeps always get me. Grapple hook attack is good to have when fighting him. It stuns him with every successful hit.

The only attacks that can’t be deflected are sweeps or grabs. Even thrusts which are technically unblockable can still be deflected.

I suggest bringing firecracker prosthetic to startle his horse, and keep an eye out for the grapple prompt when he’s running around. Then just block and deflect basically

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need to find that tool then. I feel like I’m exploring thoroughly but seems im still missing stuff.

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Same with me. Every tool I found so far has been in the memory.

There’s a pretty useful tool in the early half of the Ashina Outskirts you should look for.


I had 3 prosthetics before I ever even fought Gyoubu(horse guy)

Edit: actually 4