I was able to to watch Oji-san. How good is that cl.mk > cr. lk trap? I saw him use that and hit a few times. Also the jump-in hp into cl.mk. Looks like he’s delaying the cl.mk and using it as a trap? Sometimes he hits cl.mk at what it looks like, max range.
Well Ultra 2 is pretty much useless against shotos except against Akuma. That’s one of the few match-ups I use it in. Otherwise Ultra 1’s damage and anti-air capabilities take the win for me. It’s especially great if you get your opponent desperate enough to make a back jump in the corner.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t the double launcher combo do only like 5 damage less than the hardest hitting fadc combo after rekkas? It’s obviously the most optimal in terms of reward since it build meter well, pushes them to the corner and leads to a 50/50 cross-up afterwards.
Also he did in fact use wake-up dp against Ibuki but even that was just to force an air-reset.
Man I like U2 a lot. It has more comboability than U1 and the fact that you can do the old dp fadc frame trap into ultra is a big plus. I’ve won countless matches on that.
That said, I’ve been only picking it vs a few characters.
On another note, only today I discovered that cl.mk, cl.mk, hk dp is a better punish than cl.hp xx (whatever). I feel about as stupid as not knowing about blanka ball punishes.
yeah the double launcher is like 5 less. there were times where he hit 2 jabs and still did rekka dbl launch etc. could have done low forward mp palm fadc cr.lk hk dp and improved by 20dmg
but like you said the corner push and possibility of a set up…
plus it goes better with his total gameplan
U2 still beats fireballs if you find yourself without ex meter, but its a complete matter of prefference
i do a triple plink with fierce, medium, and jab into mk rollkick. all 3 buttons cancel into mk dp. so i get safety and only like 10 less damage. with the added benifit of any post mk dp set ups