Seiei-Enbu: Options, Loops, and Resets

what is xN?

Times N, where N is a variable.

Shorthand for, “You can loop this a certain amount of times, but I don’t know the exact number of times you can loop it.”

oh ok…back to math class lol

It just means a loop. x3;

The midscreen SE cl.hp xx lk command dash loop seems exceedingly more difficult on certain characters… I can get it 100% on characters like Oni, but I’m trying it on Ken right now and, if combo’d from M palm, you need to do cl.hp immediately or the combo drops (at least with the bigger characters you get more leniency). Then it seems like one of the shadows on the 2nd rep wiffs and the combo drops… it works 100% if you don’t combo into it from M palm though.

Can anyone confirm or am I just fucking it up?

Yeah I’ve noticed that too I’ve tried it on Guy and sometimes I’ll teleport to the same side randomly and not cross up.

Does anyone know if the dive kick loop is useful damage wise and is it character specific either mid screen or in the corner, I can’t get it to work properly if I’m doing it right (jump forward mk dive kick )

Troll loop. (not a serious combo)
Activate super,hold the joystick forward, st.lp x N and finish with ultra 1.

It does barely any damage but i found it to be very funny using it online.

I can’t get it to work on Zangief at all if using the palm to combo into it… I’ll have to do further testing and see who it works on and what the timing is

Hey, first post ever!

Sorry, had to do that.

I found something interesting at the end of a match. This is probably already known somewhat, but I found seiei-enbu will make an interesting crossup with the senkyutai performed as a meaty.

At the final round of a match against an E. Ryu, I wailed on the poor guy, dizzied him, Focused attack into a crumple, cr. mk xx M Palm xx Seiei-Enbu, then did 3 HP mantis slashes. It knocked him down (still in the corner) and I performed a HK senkyutai, getting a Super finish and not a chip finish. Apparently the last shadow crossed the threshold just enough for it to end up being a cross up, as after the small launch I landed on the other side and he was still holding down-away from my original position.

This one’s to kenshou: Any possibility of seeing that reset in a video? I can’t quite understand what’s been typed.

I can’t get the dash to happen often enough for the super to be worth using, unfortunately, there isn’t a way in the lab to set it so you’re always just in super mode to practice something like that.

You can S.Hp, Hp reka 1 hit. Stop then hp reka 1 hit. Stop then hp reka 1 hit stop. Hp reka 2 hit stop. ultra.

ok so I’ve been in the lab and I’ve found that going to mid screen loop is very character specific.

So far I was limited to just doing SE > cl.HP > loop and SE > st.LP> dash forward > loop
now I found something that makes almost the loop possible on almost everyone, and that is the discovery of st.LK

cl.MP xx MP palm xx SE > st.LK dash forward > st.LP> dash forward> cl.HP xx LK dash works on alot of the cast.
Mostly shotos and big guys. Gief and Hawk are almost exclusively limited to this option.

Overall most characters fall into one of three starters. The jab , the far lk or directly into cl.hp.
I haven’t really compiled a list but nor tested everyone, roughly half the cast so I’ll give whats off the top of my head optimal starters and state which characters are hard to impossible to do midscreen loop on.

Gief/Hawk : st.LK dash > st.LP dash >cl.HP is only option

Sagat/Rufus/Oni: st.LP dash or directly to cl.HP, pretty sure> LP works too

ryu/ken/akuma/ : st.LK dash> st.LP dash > cl.HP, I think direct cl.HP works in some cases but not too consistent iirc.
(I think makoto/adon/fei long/cody fall into this category too but cl.HP is more consistent in this case)

Guile: LP dash > cl.HP only

Gen: cl.HP only

Boxer: impossible the cl.HP shadow whiffs and drops the loop.

Hakan/Rose: impossible to do regular loop on, must replace LK dash with MK dash and that is very tight. Other wise you can go into it directly off cl.HP or st.LK dash> LP dash> cl.HP

Ibuki/Bison: st.LK dash > cl.HP but real tight timing, cl.HP is more dependable

haven’t tested elf, viper, dan, guy, gouken, sakura, sim

I only used cl.HP on honda and blanka and it worked.

Anyways, just test it out yourselves.

Lately I’ve been using these resets with much success:
Midscreen loop x 4 reps then either st.LK dash forward > cr.LK > overhead> hit confirm LP/HP mantis > U1/U2
loop x 4 > cr.LK > sweep > HK dive over opponent > last shadow dive crosses up > cr.LK > mantis > U1/U2

There is one more I used to use but simply it doesn’t keep the opponent locked down as effectively as the above ones:
sweep > empty jump cross up > cr.LK or overhead >U1/U2

Well, hope some people will like this info. Reset does alot of damage, only problem is getting a cl.MP punish with super and ultra. Most of this is endgame stuff but still surprises the opponent and overwhelming turns the tide in the match.

technically wouldn’t it be possible (in the corner) to reset, lock down an opponent with some shadow pokes for a bit, focus then u1?

also… what specials go to u1 if any? do you you have to fadc if in the corner?
i dont own the game so no testing for me.

Nearly all specials go into ultra. But, the easiest is just the first hit of HP rekka, U1 or U2.

Focus attacks aren’t good in Seiei-Enbu because of additional scaling (which is already insanely high) and that Yang’s shadows don’t operate well with focus attacks.

is he still pretty easy to pick up?

Yang’s relatively easy. He’s a very solid character.

[details=Spoiler]Yang, similar to his brother, does not have amazingly damaging combos outside of super, ultra, or FADCes like his brother (Yun). Instead, Yang has the tools to play a solid defensive game and maintain safe pressure. This is done through his relatively strong special cancelable pokes, such as (6f), (3f), and (3f), which are often OSed into LP rekka (which leaves Yang at -2 on block for the first hit; AKA, safe v. non-grapplers). He also can use his dive kicks, which come at three different angles, to pressure the opponent. His defensive options are found in a solid DP (LK DP (5f) has 5 frames of hit invic and 15 frames of projectile invic; throw invic starts around the 6th-8th frame) and EX dash (which is immune to hits and throws for the first 15 frames; not immune to throws, similar to Abel’s roll). Seiei-Enbu, Yang’s super, has the potential to devastate the opponent, but Yang often reserves his meter for his FADC combos and EX moves. His two ultras have several ways to be comboed into, and they can be consistently landed in the majority of Yang’s matches.

Despite these benefits, Yang does suffer many issues. His wake-up reversal is easily safe jumped (5f). Beyond that, Yang is not a crazy damage machine (neither of the twins are, despite common belief); his common meterless bread and butters typically linger around 200-250 damage. In addition, his U2 has no invincibility to strikes on start up (U1 has several at the beginning). Yang’s dive kicks are also not the calibur of Rufus’s. The hitbox of his divekicks are relatively small (approximately the size of a jab) and can leave Yang at a significant amount of frame disadvantage on block (-3f; enough for the entire cast to throw Yang on block) if the dive kick hits a standing opponent above the chest. Yang does have decent defensive options, but his health is below average (900, rather than 1000). Finally, his rekkas do not provide a good knockdown for oki purposes, so he has to sacrifice damage in order to obtain a good knockdown (using MK DP).[/details]

I’ve got a question, forgive me if it has been mentioned somewhere, but is there a way to hit confirm into the loops or do you just pressure with super until you crack their defense?

For instance the s.HP xx LP dash loop, the only way I can combo into it without being too far for s.HP to still be considered close is after a c.MK xx Super, but that’s obviously not a hit-confirm. Ignoring the fact that I have a lot of trouble with c.MP > dash > c.LK > c.MP corner loop I don’t really know how to start it up in the first place. :frowning:

hit confirm into super is lp/cr.lp, xx mp palm xx super

I really like the xx mp palm,, dash [ xx mp palm, dash, dash, dash], but damn the timing is funky. Good damage though.

I really need to practice this combos :~