Seeking Jill Valentine Adviser for 'Assist Me' Web Series

[INDENT=1]What’s up Jill experts. I’m looking for the advice of a talented Jill player for help in a near future episode of Marvel vs Capcom 3: The Online Warrior featuring Jill.[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Normally, I’m usually up to the task of dissecting, analyzing, and evaluating specific character elements and strategies…but the brutal truth is, I have very little Jill in game experience similar to the previous X-23 episode. In some situations, getting the actors/crew ready for a large task like this takes priority over my in-game knowledge. I figured this forum would house some of the most gifted players, as I am looking for general to expert advice.[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]If you are unfamiliar with the show, please refer to the following links.[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Dr. Doom:[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]and X-23[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]The main points to be covered are…[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]and Combos/Xfactor[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Essentially, the details cover a broad basis for the above topics. What is really needed is an expert to advise for all the above, while showing high level strategies that can be applied to each area. Deadly mixups, unique DHC or assist setups, and anything else that makes Jill unique as a character is the most important.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Also, having HD capture equipment (example: HD PVR) is a HUGE help as it makes the overall process so much easier to see what you might be describing, or even using the same footage you provided.[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Of course, I’d gladly give you proper mention during the ending credits, specifically titled as ‘Jill Valentine In-Game Combat Adviser’ and link to a website or your own personal YouTube channel. There would also be mention of others who helped in a special thanks section as well. Either respond to this thread, or send me an private message if your interested, and if you have the tools to HD capture. I appreciate any help you all can provide, and look forward to speaking with one(or many) of you shortly.[/INDENT]

Gotta say, I’m really looking forward to this. If you can get a hold of Pulsr or even watch some of flashmetroids games with Jill they give you a pretty solid starting point. I wouldn’t consider myself an expert so I can only wait in anticipation for what you guys manage to get together.


I can probably meet all of those requirements I even have an hd pvr to boot.

Hello! I don’t post often on Shoryuken since I usually give advice/tips on Jill on GFaqs. Although I don’t have a camera, I would certainly help you with Jill via a guide if that’s fine with you.

My apologies for Double Posting, but how do I send a Personal Message?

I can probably help with all those sections but I can’t record in HD, I have a dazzle =(

What’s up guys, sorry I’ve not checked the thread in the past few days. Please send me a PM if you do have information to provide for the show. Pulsr, since you have an HD PVR, it would be an amazing help if you wished to be a part of the show. I can give you an example of the process I did for X-23 with this playlist link…

MoFro captured and offered a quick guide for each combo or mixup demonstration. If you think this is possible on your end if you have the time, shoot me a PM.

Thanks much guys


Pulsr + max video? I am hype.

lol i can not WAIT to see this.

sorry i couldn’t have been here earlier. lol

Max, I sent you a relatively Long guide awhile ago, didn’t know how to use a PM so I started a conversation.
Hopefully with the guide, and Pulsr you should have enough info for the Assist Me ep.

Oh Wesker, we know that’s really you using Maximilian’s account.

Loving the trailer :slight_smile: