And the $64,000 question about assignments? @Pertho, I know you’re busy but any updates duder?
I’m sick and at work.
If you sent your emails you’re good. Just relax.
sorry fam. Been dealing with bullshit on all fronts.
Birthday party yesterday, gotta go to the doctor anx cook meals today. Either later today or tomorrow for all assignments.
Holy shit there’s 12 of you.
God fucking damn!
Yeah, e-mails are gonna be sent soonish. Thank you all for participating!
@Pertho Can I be a huge asshole and resend my list really quick? I kinda butchered the first one. Lol
No prob. I’m still sick and taking my time. Had to do a bunch of stuff during the day.
so fire away. Still gotta make sure that everybody taht signed up here sent an e-mail and all that jazz.
…where be my snowman?
Let it go, let it go ♪♪♪
Alright, lists are mostly done. I know I said I was gonna send it today but i’m just gonna take some mucinex, day for 8 hours and then send the e-mails tomorrow morning around 10 my time.
also thank you to all the people willing to ship international. Trump’s economy is doing good becuase you guys are willing to send the one Australian some sailor moon panties.
I appreciate the commitment.
Buy em big
I hope sempai will notice me then!
Baka, Shinji! If not.
Assignment received!
Literally just e-mailed everybody. Thank you for your patience.
Passed out for half the morning because of the medication.
Good times were had.
I got mine too.
I have things organized neatly on a folder in my e-mail account, so any questions or acknowledgments of getting the assignments please keep as replies that way things stay in a nice organized manner.
As before, thank you very much for your patience. 14 people is pretty damn good. Other FGC places can kick rocks because they ain’t rocking like a unite like SRK does.
X 1,00,000
Time to stalk so I get a thoughtful present that this person will cherish forever
Already got one of my gifts bought.