Seattle, WA UMVC3 Scene?

Hey, West Coast. I’m up in Seattle visiting for two months and would like to get my fix of Marvel while I’m up here and was wondering if there’s any scene for UMvC3 up here. Like weeklies, or even monthlies. Any help/info is appreciated.

Hi there! We post most of our events on our Facebook group Northwest Street Fighter.

There are two monthlies for UMvC3
GameClucks Saturday Slugfest takes place every 3rd Saturday (with an exception for next month). Our current venue is Dante’s Seattle in the U District, but we may change venues. The next one will be held on December 15th. All attendees earn raffle tickets good towards a chance to win a sponsorship to EVO 2013 (drawing held at NWM5). There is also an invitational tournament associated with this where at the end of the season, the top 8 will be invited to play for another sponsorship as well. This won’t affect you if you’re not around for Northwest Majors 5, but it means the players are competing for something buff ^^
Sabado Gigante aka The South Auburn Monthly take place at Gamebreakerz in Auburn, WA every 4th Saturday. This is a closer location for a lot of Seattle’s top UMvC3 players and has good attendance as well. Venue’s nice too!
Our monthlies only average between 11-13 people, but it’s made up of our stronger players. Our level of competition in UMvC3 has greatly increased since EVO where one of our players was one win away from top 32, another two wins away. Recently, srkUW|Darryn made top 16 at Canada Cup.

For weeklies
GameClucks Thursday Night Fights is held every week at Another Castle Video Games in Edmonds, WA and once a month at Dante’s Seattle. Attendance varies between 2-4 people. It’s often best to post up and see if others are planning on making it out as well.
FT5 Fridays is held weekly at Gamebreakerz in Auburn, WA. Attendance varies from 3-8 players. As usual, it’s a good idea to post up.

Shoryuken UW used to hold weekly sessions on campus, but Gamebreakerz recently moved to Fridays, so we’re trying to find out what day works best for the future. We are holding an event this week. Attendance can vary from 3-15 people depending on the week. We are often low on setups, so when attendance is high, it can be a bit of a wait ^^;;

I would keep an eye on the Northwest Street Fighter group as very few of us still post on SRK.

Oh wow how long has GameClucks Thursday Night Fights been going on at Another Castle? That’s like a literal 10 minute drive from me.