Scrub post

Ok, so I’m not new to CvS2, or fighting games in general, but in terms of actual knowledge of this particular game, I am rather lacking. So, here are some questions. Answer one, all, or none, up to you.

1: Where can I find a detailed rundown of groove advantages/disadvantages?

2: Why K groove for Rock? Why not C or A?

3: How’s Hibiki in K?

It’s not so much that I am a bad player, it just that the real nitty gritty has never really seemed important amongst me and friends. Just combos, setups, etc.

Teach me? Thanks.

  1. try james chen’s system/combo guide on gamefaqs linked here

  2. because he needs his supers to win. no other groove gets meter as fast as k groove. low jump helps him a lot, so does jding, as it lets him recover one frame faster when doing his elbow dashes

  3. really really good. one of the best K groove characters.


  2. You should pick rock in A/C/N because then you can Rock, and Roll.



EDIT: (thought I’d add usefulness)
I think a lot of groove questions can be and probably SHOULD be answered by yourself first, before you go and look for the consensus. The bad part about looking for an FAQ or somesuch before analyzing it first is that you’ll get stuck in that box for the most part. Take the list of abilities of all grooves, add them to your character and ask yourself (for example): where does the damage come from? can you beat runaway? how do I stop someone from rushing me down? how do I AA? and always important: how do I deal with Sagat? Each groove gives you different options to do all the essential things. Theory is very different from practice, so what you gotta do is test out your assumptions.

Maybe while playing you pick N-Rock and assumed you’d Alpha Counter to stop ppl rushing you, but then you notice you can’t keep the tables turned and the lost guard bar is hurting you in the long run. Perhaps you’re just missing too much meter and you lose damage potential. Then you start using crack counters and rising tackle instead, these are just specials so you don’t need N-Groove. You play and you learn and you either drop Rock or switch grooves as a result.

Thanks for the information guys, and I am looking through Chen’s guide as we speak. Cheers!

Hay Mate… forget the bloody Guide.

Pick your groove/Characters.

Then go from there.

go on

Which ever groove you chose to play watch these player’s matches. ( These player’s will give you a good example on how to work your Groove)

C- Mago
S- (Dr. B VS Daigo)
N- Nuki
K- Otaku

I sort of have, but am having trouble picking the groove for my team. I use Iori, Rock, and Chun/Mai/Hibiki. I’m thinking N groove right now, but rock needs supers, as was said, and N brings them slowly at any decent level…

read all gamefaqs by buktooth and james chen ROCK AND ROLL

N seems about right.

Your leaning in the right direction.

All of your character are strong in N groove.

Who said you have to play one groove…:confused:

The more grooves you know the better.

I play N,C and A groove.

P,K,and S are too Restricted… you cant roll Cancel.:rolleyes:

  1. Watch videos and observe character/groove match ups or gamefaqs I guess.
  2. Man…you can play p rock and still be good you just have to find out what suits you, I would say K Rock for safety.
  3. K Hibiki not bad depends on you, any groove for hibiki is fine to me i’d put n hibiki over k even A hibiki is good, practice hard that’s all.:woot: