Screw this game I quit

cry me a river scrub

If you get this mad at Marvel I’d hate to see how you would respond to KoF. These complaints are so ass backwards. You’re hating on how characters have tools.

Hey, go to SFxT

UMVC3 is way more balanced this time around. In MVC2 you had these characters with drastically better tools/abilities than the majority(not just the big 4) and everybody else sucked by comparison.

“Whats that kid, your favorite character is Spider-man? Yeah…don’t pick him. You’ll just spend the whole match in the corner getting helplessly spammed to death by that Blackheart player”.

In UMVC3 nearly every character can compete, the divide between the high & low tiers is nowhere near as great. Go back to MVC2 for 3 months then come back to SMVC3:X again, and maybe you’ll appreciate this better.

Can I have your stuff?

See guys? This is the kinda guy who got She Hulk nerfed in UMvC3. This is the kind of guy that Capcom listens to when they balance their games. Good riddance of you, don’t come back.


That’s mahvel baybay. Play skullgirls if you cant handle this stuff :coffee:

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His names not joe it’s fred.

This game is ass, but there is a way to stop playing this game without making a thread…


[details=Spoiler]Step one: Turn off game.
Step two: Put Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 into the case.
Step three: Drive, ask your mom for a ride, ride your bike, walk, etc. to your local gamestop.
Step four: Trade it in for $8-$12 store credit.
Step five: Buy another game.[/details]


  1. You sound like an online warrior. Why don’t you try to go to a local tournament and play some real people. Game is soooooo much more enjoyable like that.

  2. You feel like caving in and picking Vergil and Akuma… but you play Wesker?


Anyway, nice knowing you. Play KOF13. Its a good game.

Jesus, it’s like a pack of vultures in this thread :rofl:

Welcome to the world of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3!

You mean say goodbye lol

After reading the second sentence I was hoping I would get lulz, but you couldn’t even provide that.

We all owe Ben Perkins our gratitude for providing said lulz.

Stop posting images or vids as a response. I will infract your lazy ass. If you’ve got something to say, say it. If you’re so lazy as to need to parrot some random meme – we’re probably already aware of it and thought it was really funny when we first saw it sixty years ago.

Why are these topics not auto closed for trolling and not put into an auto rant thread like other common nonconstructive repeats

ppl who play marvel forget what game they are playing, GTFO