Screw that, I may have found something

Did you know ?
On crouching fuerte, anywhere, we can cr.MP, cl.MK, cr.MP 3 combo ??
Haven’t yet tested on other chars. but this can be big.
That last cr.MP is so close to being meaty, a follow up fireball fadc have nasty frame advantage to abuse.

Works on : - Zangief - Guile - Claw (into Lk tatsu, into reset cr.MP xx DF HK grab meaty hell yeah) - Fei Long (but LK tatsu doesn’t connect. With cr.LK instead of cr.Mp though, it does) - Dhalsim - Cody - Guy - Hakan - Gouken

[RUFUS] Not working (for me at least), pushback
But cr.MP, cl.MK is another setup for meaty far LP, far HK. A new one. (crouching though).


There’s a range where crouching Chun li in corner eats cl.HP xx lp Ball linked to far HK. Poor girl.
Cr.LP, Cl.HP xx ball link into far HK also, but that’s not new.

I found a new meaty jab setup for Dudley.
Completely useless, but fun to land.
Crouching : cl.MK xx Bal FADC cl.MP, cr.LP , sweep.
Need timing and practice, but not as hard as the regular crossup MK cr.LK cr.LP far LP, far HK links…