Scion SF4 Tournament MD/VA/DC ResultsHere

Thanks to everyone that came out. It was a lot of fun. 52 participants showed up for our first SF4 Tournament which we were very happy to see. Our District and Regional managers were very pleased. Look for more events in the future. Here are the results:

1 Arturo Sanchez
2 Steven Harrison
3 Eric Kim
4 Kenneth Bradley
5 Ludovic Mbock
5 Patrick Agbu
7 Jensel Diaz
7 Nasser Moore
9 Christian Sutton
9 Johnathon Braxton (Had to leave mid-tournament due to family emergency)
9 Brandon Tisol
9 Eric Valencia
13 Aaron Nysus
13 Dan Lopez
13 Johan Karim
13 Peter Luong
17 Andrew Stanton
17 Leeroy Fenner
17 David Rasnake
17 Gabriel Beam
17 Michael Merchant
17 Ben Lek
17 Patrick Reinheimer
17 Josh Bryant
25 Joseph Ellis
25 Andre Thanh
25 Justin Cornejo
25 Chris Brice
25 Lonnell Mack
25 Robert Legion
25 Jeff Lanier
25 Vance Payne
33 Tommy Newlin
33 Ben Feingesh
33 Jon Horn
33 Shawn Lewis
33 Brandon Surfass
33 Bryan Braxton
33 Gerard Cornejo
33 Dan Sharareh
33 Eric Cabell
33 Jimyo Lin
33 Justin Davis
33 Matthew Ponton
33 Al Bittner
33 Dennis Phommachanh
33 Dan Capell
33 Jon Cornejo
49 Lee Russell
49 Larry Jones
49 Stacy Bruce
49 Harley Metcalfe
49 Eric Coleman

I gotta say that I had a lot of fun. Didn’t expect as many people to show up. Even for those who didn’t make it very far I know everyone learned a thing or two. Numbers and Contact info were also exchanged by various players. Hopefully it leads to more offline gatherings in the MDVADC area.


This tournament was amazing, so much new talent and watching Arturo perform was def a level up for me!

I hope everyone can make our monthly tournament held in VA where we have a ton of great talent to compete against…

The thread is found in the tournament and events section.

Take care all!

MAJOR props to everyone who set this up and those who came to support it.

Definitely worth being there for all the pizza/red bull/gaming experience/everything else. This is easily one of the top 2 tournaments this year that I’ve been to.

Again, a big thank you to all the sponsors and everyone else that made it happen. Had a great time.

Everyone in the scene I’ve talked to, shout outs to everyone…the whole MD/VA scene is just too cool. Congrats to the top 3. See yall soon!

first off, thanks to damon for setting this up in the first place. had a great time at the event.

props to pad ken/akuma, you beat alot of the local regulars, come out to more tournaments man.

art, wish I could’ve played you in tournament, but congrats on the win.

good to see old school MD heads(johan, nasir, etc) I hope you guys show up more as well!

if anyone has losers finals, please pm me first. thanks

Great tournament yesterday, honestly I was really surprised that many people even showed up! Tons of variety in roster choice, I think every character in the SF4 cast was represented somewhere, I know I saw a couple Guiles, a Gen, Cammy, Dhalsim, Rose, and the mysterious Pad Ken.

My only complaint was the huge time lapse between the end of pool play and the start of semifinals… I had to wait almost 3 hours between my 2nd and 3rd game :looney:

lud/mags were recording it

Fun tournament. Congrats to everyone who made top 8.

Good shit on 5th place rugi

I did ok, but still have work to do.

Nah man, props should be going out to Kenneth Bradley :looney:

Gdlk event. $F4!

GS guys. Damn nice tourny.

Good shit everyone that went out. I met a lot of cool people out there

Hope to see yall again. MD/VA stand up

good shit steve. cant wait to see the vids.

my name is Al. Supercharged scion owner, who participated in this event. (and it was a car show too). New user here. Played against some good competition as well, and met a lot of new friends.

a few pix. big thanks to all that put this event together. coverage from the tourney should be on There were some serious ringers that came out for this event, Arturo traveled from NY(I believe?) to take home first place and $1000

I only snapped a few pix due to staying inside and participating in SF4. The pizza was AWESOME (andrew said over 125 pizzas served) and redbull kept us playing all day! Awesome prizes, even better people, and even some nice cars showed up.

Will the rest of the pics/videos be on

Datz right. 9th place and I didn’t even finish the losers bracket. So GDLK.

GG’s to everyone I played with and it would have been nice for me to finish out the losers bracket but…things go down. Fun times regardless and I’d like nothing more than to have more stuff like this in my backyard. Thanks again to Damon, Chasity and anyone else that I’m missing that put this together. Vocelli’s has some dank pizza.

Oh and now we know Wildcard Ken’s real name. :lol:

Thanks for the support everyone. Look for the rest of the pics and vids on by Thursday latest. I will post on here when they are up. Thanks again!

Starbucksssssss! Good shit guys. Eric, I got you a pm in a little bit.


Vids and pics link is here. Sorry for the wait.